If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
We have two coffee shops; we roast most of our coffee in our Hackettstown location and a small amount in our Sparta location. We are always learning, seeking ways to improve our products and our customer service.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
I'd like to go to any origin country, preferably one which produces both tea and coffee; ideally that would be India, I think.
About Me:
In 1974, I discovered - in a little shop on Duke Street in Alexandria, Virginia - that coffee could be a great pleasure, that it could be vastly better than anything I had drunk up to that time. Since then, wherever I went I tried to find someone roasting coffee near where I lived... finally deciding to go into the 'coffee roasting' business with my brother in 1994. It has been a fascinating experience and continues to be a challenge and an endless search for quality.
About My Company:
Greene's Beans roasts coffee and supplies tea mostly for the company's own two retail stores and for website customers. We also roast for several wholesale customers and are working to grow all aspects of our business.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
Thanks for the comment Dave! If you have any questions just call me and I'll explain what I can. Also, the best way to evaluate anything is to try the demonstration - we can set that up anytime if you want.
Mike Spence
Apr 15, 2009
Mike Spence
Apr 15, 2009