If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
About Me:
My love for coffee started a long time ago, when my dad would buy whole bean coffee and grind it every morning - the smell was intoxicating! I developed a taste for coffee much later, and slowly learned more about the incredible complexities that went into every cup of coffee. This complexity continues to fascinate me.
Thanks for the awesome write up. I'm sorry I couldn't hang and geek out with you guys more. I was running around and "taking care or business". Anyway, you guys should come in sometime when im actually working, and if you guys come in on one of my mornin shifts we can probably even go on a lil coffee trip or some thing. There is a few good shops we should all go to.
Anywho, take care Scott. I hope to see you guys in the Ugly soon.
Jan 9, 2009
Thanks for the awesome write up. I'm sorry I couldn't hang and geek out with you guys more. I was running around and "taking care or business". Anyway, you guys should come in sometime when im actually working, and if you guys come in on one of my mornin shifts we can probably even go on a lil coffee trip or some thing. There is a few good shops we should all go to.
Anywho, take care Scott. I hope to see you guys in the Ugly soon.
Jan 12, 2009