If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
Coffee, Tea, and Wine Bar, Import Beers, Panini Sandwiches, Desserts, Appetizers, Live Music, Wi-fi, Community Oriented, and Local Artists
Beginning barista training, looking to learn and grow skills. Very enthusiastic and hard working employees.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Mostly in the southeast for now, but would consider expanding as time and money allow.
About Me:
Ronnie Mark and Chris Todd, both new to the coffee industry. Traveled all over the US and enjoy the coffeehouse experience and what it represents and wanted to bring a cultural coffee experience to a small town environment. Ronnie has a background and degree in marketing, events, and graphic design. Chris has a masters in Art Education and is a talented local artist and musician. Opening a coffeehouse has been a life long dream for both of them.
About My Company:
Cafe Mundo is a casual and eclectic coffee, tea, and wine bar with import beers, sandwiches, desserts, and appetizers. Cafe Mundo specializes in beverages and foods with an around the world theme. Our atmosphere is casual and contemporary and fits in well with the progressive historic district it's located in.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
Meeting new and regualar customers and making them happy.
Good to have you guys on here! Glad to be able to help your shop! Can't wait to see how your shop progresses over the next year! Cheers, and Merry Christmas!
Mike Spence
Dec 22, 2008
Jason Dominy
Dec 22, 2008
scott conary
Dec 22, 2008