Bernard Lucien Nussbaumer
  • Male
  • Frisco, TX
  • United States
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Profile Information

What is your position in the coffee industry?
coffee shop owner
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Frisco, TX USA & Plano, TX, USA
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
Two locations, one in Frisco, and the other in Plano, both North of Dallas, TX. Modern, industrial look mixed with plush seating and modern art. Unique music from all over the world. Great coffee and on-site prepared food in the European tradition. And aiming at promoting peace through Global Peace Factory, a company that gives a portion of every dollar it makes to specifically targeted charity organizations whose common denominator is the empowerment of those among us who are struggling to make ends meet or simply survive. So one of our mottos is 'Every Cup Counts'.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Everywhere from North to South and East to West. This planet is too small to feature dull places and shelter boring people. But if I have to choose, I'll pick places where they grow coffee, for their warm climate and natural splendor.
About Me:
Born and raised in Switzerland, law degree from Geneva, film degree from London, trained actors, produced sport documentaries, then two feature films, then over 110 music videos, got tired of it, studied and taught yoga, decided to use a company to promote peace through business, thought coffee houses were a good place to start, went to ABC Coffee School in Portland and learned how to run a coffee house and prepare the perfect espressos and lattes, thanks to Bruce and Matt Milletto.
I opened my first coffee house in March 2010. After a somewhat slow start, it is now doing quite well so I am opening a second one in nearby Plano. That one has a great location, in the town's busiest intersection and next to stores like Trader Joe's, Ulta, Carter's Children, etc. I expect that coffee house to do extremely well and to follow up with more stores in Dallas and around Texas.
About My Company:
Global Peace Factory was born in the aftermaths of 9/11, when peace was labeled as anti-patriotic, especially coming from a foreigner. So I decided that instead of embarking in some politics à la Don Quijote, I'd better create something that people would enjoy while helping others and contributing to peace in a most apolitical and pragmatic way. The main source of violence around the world is poverty. So the best way to ensure peace is to empower those in need, so their need for violence will slowly fade as their material and physical situation improves. So i am using Global Peace Factory as a multi-service brand (coffee, yoga, music, community network) with a unique goal: empower those in need. To fully achieve this goal, as human beings, we have to go through six stages: awareness, understanding, respect, love, compassion and action. As we are all interconnected, if each of us as individual do our part, inevitably positive results will follow. My company and I are just a seed, which I have decided to plant. Might sound a bit corny or pretentious or unrealistic, but everything in life starts with a dream.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
The first sip of the perfect espresso.

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At 8:57pm on February 10, 2010, Jason Haeger said…
Welcome to bX! Check out the Texas Coffee People group while you're here!

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