Brian Thayer
  • Male
  • Cincinnati, OH
  • United States
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Brian Thayer's Blog

Where does our money go?

Posted on December 8, 2009 at 10:14am 0 Comments

Your thoughts on this calculator? Accurate?

La Marzocco Manuals

Posted on November 24, 2009 at 11:02am 0 Comments

Manuals for the Linea AV espresso machines: Operation and Technical

Linea Operating Manual.pdf

Linea Technical Manual.pdf

Imbibe Drink Tutor

Posted on November 24, 2009 at 10:52am 0 Comments

I thought this was quaint:

imbibe drink tutor.pdf

Brian Thayer's Discussions

Loose Leaf Coffee?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jason Haeger Feb 4, 2010. 6 Replies

Brewing freshly ground coffeewith premium loose leaf tea in the same steeping press or pour-over: An interestingidea or blasphemous thought? Anyone tried it? Results?Continue

Tags: immersion, brew, full, coffee, leaf

La Marzocco Linea

Started this discussion. Last reply by John J.H. Bang Feb 28, 2010. 1 Reply

I have a newly renovated La Marzocco AV Linea 4 group with 4 portafilters and pump now available. In great condition with new wiring. Located in Columbia, MO. I'm asking $3,600 plus shipping. More…Continue

Tags: group, AV, 4, Linea, Marzocco

Flat White

Started this discussion. Last reply by Luce May 5, 2011. 32 Replies

Your thoughts on the growing popularity of the Flat White? To jump on the bandwagon or no? How much different is the flat white from a traditional 6oz cappuccino w/ Italian style foam (small portion…Continue

Tags: white, flat

La Marzocco 4 Group Linea Espresso Machine

Started this discussion. Last reply by Brian Thayer Nov 26, 2009. 5 Replies

I'll have an awesome 4 group Linea available in December. It's (3) boilers have been decalcified, and new wiring and heat-resistant connections replaced. It works great! This is a high-volume capable…Continue

Tags: Espresso, Machine, Group, 4, Marzocco

La Marzocco 4 Group Linea Espresso Machine

Started Nov 23, 2009 0 Replies

I'll have a great 4 group newly refurbished and cleaned available for sale in December. I'd like to start any bidding at $4,000.00. Let me know if you're interested and I will be able to send you…Continue

Tags: Espresso, Machine, Group, 4, Marzocco

All About Coffee!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jared Rutledge Sep 29, 2009. 1 Reply

I've been looking around for a blog that covers a wide variety of coffee topics- and that stays on topic in the first place- and have been somewhat disappointed. So, I started my own! This blog is "A…Continue

Tags: Espresso, Coffee, Blog

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I love home roasting.

Your take

Yemeni coffees: worth the cost?

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At 7:58pm on July 2, 2010, Joe Marrocco said…
This is going to be in two sections, because I am only allowed 2000 characters:

Roasting is a huge challenge, true. I would really have to see what you are doing to the coffee to know, well,... what you are doing to the coffee. Sight unseen and from the taste descriptors, I would wager that you are getting the coffee too hot to fast. you are roasting the exterior portion of the beans more quickly than the interior portion. This will cause the color to look right, while leaving the inside of the bean under-developed. This would be why it is tipping (burning a bit) and tastes green. Are you getting really nice coffees to work with through a reputable source, like sweet maria's?
At 7:57pm on July 2, 2010, Joe Marrocco said…
Coffee quality could play into why the coffee tastes bad too. Indonesian coffee are very bold in their characteristics. They are kind of like primary colors on the color spectrum. There is a wide rang in which you can roast them and they taste ok. Also, they are usually not as dense. They are lower grown and wet-hulled, which leaves them very large and spacious in their interior structure. This means that heat can penetrate them much more efficiently. Thus, they are probably roasting the best. African coffees very on density pretty widely. I'd lie to know what African coffees you are using specifically. Lastly, a really good Central or South American coffee is typically going to be very high grown and very dense. These need to be roasted much more carefully and gently, so that the heat can be absorbed to the core of the coffee before the exterior begins to burn. This is why I love a drum roaster with gas and air control. We can really dial in these parameters. With an air roaster (or popcorn popper) this is more difficult. Air roasters are notorious for coloring the exterior too quickly. The heavy convection super heats the outside of the bean. There has to be more control. One way to do this in your popper is to try to add a bit more coffee, to slow the air down and absorb more of the heat more evenly. This is dangerous though, because you don't want to over load it.

I hope this has been helpful.

Happy Roasting!!
At 8:13am on March 2, 2010, Joe Marrocco said…
thanks man! Your wife told me she was getting that for you for V-Day. I told her that if you ever need any help or pointers to let me know. Also, go to TONS of info on home roasting. Literally the BEST site on the web for it. Thomson Owens runs it out of the Oakland San Fran area. Great guy. Great place to buy green coffee. You can literally spend months reading on his site. Let me know next time you're in St. louis.
At 3:42pm on December 14, 2009, Coffee Kids said…
Congratulations! Let us know if you ever want to get involved!
At 5:54pm on December 1, 2009, Joe Marrocco said…
I'd be happy to help as much as I can. Let me know if you have any particular questions.
At 8:48pm on November 30, 2009, Joe Marrocco said…
Hey man! I'll have to check out your shop next time I'm in CoMO!
At 12:28pm on November 29, 2009, Jason Calhoon said…
Hello Brian what number is your Clover?
At 5:42pm on November 24, 2009, Rick Milton said…
Brian, The Barista Exchange seems cool but I am not very good at the internet social network thing.

Kenya is almost always good. Kenya, as a country, really has excellent quality control. Like Colombia they have established a brand name. Both countries consistantly deliver very good coffee. Almost never a stand out but always very drinkable. Both are almost never a bad choice.


At 1:15pm on November 24, 2009, Coffee Kids said…
Hey Brian, Thanks for adding Coffee Kids. Check out for more information. How's the shop?

EspressoVein Blog

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Profile Information

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, barista trainer, coffee roaster, consultant
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Cincinnati, OH USA
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
In the past, I've been a barista multiple times, consultant, a barista trainer, and a manager. Now I am a barista again at Rohs Street Cafe, which is on the campus of the University of Cincinnati. I'm dedicated to quality, passionate about service, and committed to excellence.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Any coffee producing country.
Anywhere the coffee is awesome.
About Me:
Fast moving college student, husband, and father of two. I've founded a coffee shop and manage it currently. I'm a graduate of the University of Missouri in Columbia.
About My Company:
Vida Coffee Co is a brand new gourmet coffee shop on the University of Missouri's campus in Columbia, located at 812 Hitt st. We're dedicated to quality. This shop will be your best cafe experience- no doubt. We use Northwest Coffee in St. Louis, 1883 syrups, and Ghirardelli Sauces; we bake all goods in-house!

Now, however, I work for Rohs Street Cafe!
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
the devotion to detail- our craft is so precise!

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