Jessica Washino
  • Female
  • Honolulu, HI
  • United States
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Profile Information

What is your position in the coffee industry?
coffee shop owner
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
honolulu, HI
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
I have been a barista for about 5 years now and i can make a pretty fantastic cup of coffee! I absolutely love making coffee, drinkin coffee, and being able to talk to people all day. Its really fun!
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
ANYWHERE! i would love to travel and see different coffee shops. If anyone wants to come to hawaii come on over! You can stay with me and i will show you around if you do the same for me where ever you live. :)
About Me:
I LUV LUV LUV coffee! I have been in the coffee industry for about 5 years now. i started off as a barista at Seattle's Best Coffee in honolulu. I moved to Montana for college and worked at a little drive thru coffee hut called Cuppa Jo on the Go. After that i moved back to Hawaii and worked at The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. A couple years later Seattles Best Coffee offered me a management position so i went back to Seattles Best and then i picked up some extra hours at Bad Ass Coffee. i wanted to work at as many coffee shops as i could so i could get all the experience. I have had so much fun working at coffee shops i finally was able to purchase my own little drive thru coffee hut. i am currently looking for that perfect location for it so hopefully i will be able to start it up soon!
About My Company:
My drive thru coffee hut is called Da' Mud Hut. Its a hawaii themed coffee shop and Im in the process of finding a location for it.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
The people for sure

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At 4:46pm on November 3, 2014, Stephanie Assa said…

Hello Dear,

How is everything with you,I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately.I have something very vital to disclose to you,but I found it difficult to express myself here,since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on( the full details.
Have a nice day.

Stephanie Assa.


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