Matt Brown
  • Male
  • Portland, OR
  • United States
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  • David J Biller
  • Tyler Cox
  • Alex C. McGregor
  • SuperSteve
  • Matt
  • Calvin Young
  • william kevin emmons
  • Stephanie Ratanas
  • Jacob
  • bri
  • JeffreyScott
  • Drew Woods
  • Anthony
  • Sam Purvis
  • Jeremy Williamson

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Profile Information

What is your position in the coffee industry?
coffee enthusiast, industry professional
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Portland, OR US
How many years have you been in the industry?
About Me:
I've worked with many of the best in the industry and to this day all I want is to drink great coffee and help people find the drinks that they will love.

I'm not a star, though I want to be around the best and I want to help them succeed. I'm good in the background.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?

Comment Wall (15 comments)

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At 1:18pm on February 21, 2010, Silas Moulton said…
yo man. got a bass guitar. best thing that ever happend to me
At 5:49pm on March 24, 2009, Silas Moulton said…
Hey man. Heard about the operation. I hope you are recovering well!!! Hopefully I will run into you soon, because I am headed back to boston for a while. I don't know how long I'll be there or when I will be back in portland, because I need to deal with a whole lot of family stuff. I hope you are doing well and think we will getting together for like drinks or whatever on sunday. Take care man!!
At 4:37pm on March 12, 2009, Daniel Gruska said…
When are you coming back to the shop man? Adam's reign of terror must be stopped! They're makin' paninis and serving a full breakfast menu now!
Hehe. Hope you're back soon.
At 11:04pm on March 11, 2009, Daniel Gunter said…
Dude, remember that time that gall bladders sucked? Glad you're okay!
At 5:10pm on March 6, 2009, Calvin Young said…
Hey, where the hell have you been? It feels like it's been a while...
At 12:42am on January 19, 2009, Calvin Young said…
Matt. Calvin. It's about time that I get my act together and hop on this website. See you around.
At 9:00pm on August 28, 2008, Sam Purvis said…

This is Sam Purvis. I am supposed to come and chat with you. I talked with Rita today and everything that you told her sounds good. I figured as much. I was going to try to come by tomorrow...fri. I can come anytime between 9 and 11:30. I will be on break so I will have about 20 min. I don't know how long you wanted to chat....if it needs to be saturday, I can do that.


At 1:28pm on April 30, 2008, Mike said…
I started at Sip & Kranz today.

I've been super swamped lately but I'm gonna try to come into the shop sometime this week.
I was supposed to come talk pre-infusion with Adam a few weeks ago and I've just not had the time to make it up that way.

Hope you are well man! Know that I haven't forgotten about you superstars of espresso!

At 8:38am on March 24, 2008, Ryan Willbur said…
Heard the new Lydia yet? It's blowing my mind...
At 5:01pm on March 16, 2008, Mike said…
haha, yeah.. played in that band for quite awhile.. I still manage bands and help set up some tours and stuff.. you need to get Adam to hire me dude lol. you work today? I'll come hang out for a bit.

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