Roberto Guzman
  • Male
  • Maumee, OH
  • United States
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Roberto Guzman's Page

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Profile Information

What is your position in the coffee industry?
coffee grower
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
San Isidro , Costa Rica
How many years have you been in the industry?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Columbia,Panama,Nicaragua, Guatemala and Honduras
About Me:
I am currently a Coffe Farm Owner in Costa Rica, I purchased the farm in 2008 and return to the Farm during the Harvest Season which is typically Aug-Nov depending on the weather. I recently returned from our 2010 harvest . I will be replanting trees in 2011 to replace old trees . I am looking for Arabica coffee seeds which does well in 800-1200 Meter climate and in wet area . Our harvest this year was paid by big Coop fairly well but the harvest was low. I am looking to epand my buisness in 2012-2013 and start eporting and selling coffee abroad due to the low gains received . Our Coffee Farm is converting into Organic Fertilizer and replacing Chemical Fertilizer and using Shade to attract other species of birds and insects that are beneficial to enviorment. I am also looking for Investors to develop an alternative Fertilizer plant to sell for the Farms around me . After working 12 hour days in my Farm I saw the hard work it takes to care for this harvest and the dedication and love you must have for this crop. This is not a job but a lifestyle which brings economical gains to the people you employ and that migrate to make a better life style bck home.
About My Company:
My Company is still in the start up stage, I have taken the last 3 Years to understand the Coffee growing process and the land . We have formed our LLC with the goverment and researched the posibility of bringing select coffee breeds into our farms to export to Companies looking for long term commitments and sell our coffee as estate coffe with a unique test due to growing conditions.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
You meet so many wonderful people and know that somewere in the world the coffee you put so much work in is helping someone get thru the day and night.

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