Ronel Serapio
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  • Valenzuela
  • Philippines
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Profile Information

What is your position in the coffee industry?
coffee shop owner
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
Our shop is called La Nilad Coffee & Tea, La Nilad name came from a plant which name is the root word for our country's capital Manila. Currently have 3 branches and into the process of streamlining our system operation. We're continually looking for good ad and marketing ideas to make our place known. We partnered with a local roaster Boyd Coffee Phils.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Milan Italy, Seattle USA, Japan
About Me:
A regular mid age dad/husband aiming high at life's surprises. Guided by the belief that when a person choose to love and do things with passion and generosity, great and good things follow. As a matter of principle, I choose to take action on possibilities, try to understand what unfolds, innovate, learn, persist and share knowledge. I think it is good practice to engage life's trials head on and humbly opt to make valuable meaning out of it. Remember we won't get out of this world alive! I view life as a daily blessing from God. Be a blessing to others as well.

I'm into the chase of the learning curve called social media and online marketing, an amateur, a newbie at that. I think this is the new market place of the world. Much of my time is spent making our coffee & tea venture move forward and up.
About My Company:
La Nilad Coffee & Tea offer both classic and special signature drinks, plus luscious offering of homemade cakes, pastries and desserts. We are focus on giving high value coffee and tea freshness, we make it a habit to create drinks with superior quality and consistency. Our barista love their coffee and tea making craft! We always attempt to give our guest an experience of the Philippine culture and influences by way of expressions of hospitality and generosity bundled with courtesy complimented with warmth smiles.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
Coffee It is not a fad. It is a way of life.

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