Shalane Luff
  • Female
  • Huntington Beach, CA
  • United States
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  • Joseph Robertson

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Profile Information

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, coffee enthusiast
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Huntington Beach, Ca USA
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
One year experience at Diedrich's Coffee on La Paz in Mission Viejo. Unfortunately, the locatino was bought out by Starbuck's a few years back.

I have beverage prep experience, register, stocking, cleaning, tons of customer service experience (in this field and in another field of employment).

Currently, I am looking to be a barista somewhere in Orange County, CA again.

I miss the atmosphere of coffee shops, and the comradery with fellow employess in coffee house environments.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Anywhere within Orange County, CA.
About Me:
I recently married a wonderful man, who is the light of my life. In my free time, I paint anything I can get my hands on with acrylic paints. I love comics, the beach, the snow, movies, friends, and camping.
About My Company:
No company as of now, not as a barista anyway.

I currently work for a security camera company, but this job doesn't bring me much joy.

I want to go back to the coffee industry, in one form or another.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
Just about everything. The positive vibe, the customers, the co-workers. I'd have to say the vibe is what attracts me the most. I'm one of those people who could sit at a coffee shop all day, drinking espresso and drawing pictures.

Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 9:49am on January 10, 2010, JeffreyScott said…
So..... You want to work in coffee again I see...

Have you looked in to Intelligentsia?

Otherwise, PDX is the place to be!!!

Also, if you want to be a part of Third wave, I HIGHLY recommend picking up the book "The Professional Barista's Handbook" I feel that it is the most valuable training tool currently in the industry.
At 11:34pm on December 6, 2009, Joseph Robertson said…
Even after you connect up with a job, do stay with us here on BX Shalane, I'm inspired here on a daily basis. Cheers, Have a great week coming up..
At 5:21pm on December 1, 2009, Joseph Robertson said…
Yes, this economy...
this site will work for you. My roaster/cafe owner friend about 50 miles west of me just hired a roaster/ barista from Michigan. He is flying out and relocating here to train and manage Mike's 2nd cafe opening Newyears. Check out his page on BX here.
You should be able to copy paste it in your browser window.
Best Regards,

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