Will Adams
  • Houston, TX
  • United States
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  • Felicia Hart
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  • Turkish Coffee World
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Profile Information

What is your position in the coffee industry?
coffee enthusiast, industry professional
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
How many years have you been in the industry?
Company is less then a year old
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What Makes OrGano Gold Products The Gold Standard?

Simply stated stated: Ograno Gold Coffee and Organo's entire product line is a
HEALTHIER alternative to the coffee you are currently drinking.

Healthier Coffee?
Yes! Organo Gold is a healthier coffee. Almost everyone knows that regular coffee may have some negative side effects like: jitters, upset stomach and that afternoon caffeine crash, right?

Well, how about putting a fine, fully flavored gourmet coffee, one infused with an ancient secret so highly valued that emperors and kings valued it more than gold; one of the most powerful herbs ever known to man.
A 4,000 year old secret which scientists, experts and those truly seeking a healthier life are hailing around the world as a “Miracle.”

ts called “Ganoderma Lucidum” (Also known as "Reishi", "Lingzhi")
Our coffee is a fine blend formulated with this ancient and powerful herb "Ganoderma". The result? Something people say tastes as good, or better than their other stuff, but makes them feel terrific. Something people routinely claim gives them clearer thought and causes them to lose weight.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
World wide
About Me:
What Makes OrGano Gold Products The Gold Standard?

Simply stated stated: Ograno Gold Coffee and Organo's entire product line is a
HEALTHIER alternative to the coffee you are currently drinking.

OrGano Gold is a brand-new exotic coffee blend made from 100% Arabica coffee beans blended with the miraculous King of Herbs - the Reishi Mushroom.

Reishi or "Gano" comes from Asian countries such as Japan and China, and is quite expensive. But the healing powers of this herb are remarkable.

The "OrGano" name alludes to the fact that the Gandoderma in Organo Gold healthy coffee is "certified organic". The name contains "Or" which is the Latin name for gold, and "Gano" which refers to the Ganoderma herb. Its official botanical name in Latin is Ganoderma lucidum and it is widely known as the red Reishi mushroom. In Japan it is also called Mannentake.

The Reishi mushroom is called the "mushroom of immortality" in China - where it is known as Lingzhi or Ling Zhi. It was prized by Emperors of China, who valued it more highly than gold. For over 2000 years Ling Zhi has been used in Oriental medicine. In recent times this remarkable healing mushroom has been the subject of much scientific research in the Western world, though the names Ling Zhi or Reishi or Ganoderma lucidum are not yet well-known to the general public.

You'll find many scientific studies on the red Reishi mushroom by doing a web search for the words "ganoderma" or "ganoderic acids" or "Ganoderma lucidum peptides" or "Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide" at the National Library of Medicine, located at: www.pubmed.gov

Some of the health benefits of Ganoderma lucidum:

* Helps Build the Immune System
* Oxygenates the Body
* Boosts Stamina
* Provides over 150 All-Natural Antioxidants to Fight Free Radicals

There are various types and grades of ganoderma. The high-quality Ganoderma lucidum in OrGano Gold comes from certified organic red reishi mushrooms grown and processed under strict standards for safety and purity and quality. Its organic certification meets the standards of the USA, European Union, Japan, and China.
About My Company:
**Coffee Distributors Needed**

“Coffee” Is Big business? Yes, coffee! You may be thinking to yourself, “I never expected a business where I could make money to be related to coffee” or “I figured I’d have to cut my arm off to get my own store.” Or, maybe you're thinking like I was when I first heard about this. You may be thinking. “I’m not sure I get it. How much money can there really be in coffee?”Let me answer that last question first. How much money is in it?

A LOT! In fact, that famous national chain store you see all over the place, those stores average $755,000 each in sales every year! and unlike most of the other chains, "Greenbucks" own ALL of their own stores, you couldn't get one for any price. But, you could start up one of the lesser coffee chains but those would set you back a minimum of $200,000. Are you starting to see the big picture? Coffee is Big Business and there are billions and billions of dollars in coffee consumed every year. I thought I’d tell you that right up front, but you need to read on because the story gets even better.

THIS MAY SURPRISE YOU: According to Wikipedia, “Coffee is the second-most-traded physical commodity in the world!” Considering the other commodities are oil, gold, silver, wheat, and corn; you get an idea of exactly the kind of popularity and demand coffee commands.

Virtually everyone drinks coffee. And even for the tiny, tiny minority who may not drink coffee, they’d have to be from the moon to not at least several other people who drink coffee ... and they probably drink mutiple cups every day.

Ok, so know you know how much demand there is for coffee and you're probably thinking, "Any business with that kind of potential is Going to Cost a Fortune to start"

Not with Organo Gold, unlike the traditional Coffee Stores, you will not have to cut an arm off or put up $200,000 to buy your own franchise.

With The Coffee Millionaire System there is no physical store. What we are talking about is a “virtual property” here. We’re talking about virtual stores hosted online and run from the home.

So now you know coffee offers you a solid chance to make huge incomes and The Coffee Millionaire System puts you in the middle of a 9 Billion dollar industry but you may be asking yourself, "what about the Coffee"...
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
Adding a health benefit to it!

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At 2:43pm on October 2, 2009, Carla Briggs said…
Thats cool you have people on the "Best Bank", I live on the east bank but love to shop on the other side. But business is good in the NO, but there is still room for improvement.
At 9:01am on September 30, 2009, Ian Thomas said…
Thanks, and you too.
At 2:52pm on September 29, 2009, Turkish Coffee World said…
Thank you very much.
At 7:46am on September 27, 2009, Felicia Hart said…
Thanks, I can honestly say, that I feel "at home" here.

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