All Blog Posts (1,797)

Kona Report.

I wish I had already uploaded the photos off my camera, but I am too lazy to do that right now so bear with me. Imagine simply a cardboard box with a light green faded doma coffee roasters logo on it and another ripped open box with a black and orange amazon logo. Next to the doma box a beautiful bag of Organic Brazil NOSSA SENHORA DE FATIMA and a new 32oz Bodem french press with the unshatterable beaker (because I always break em). Next to the Amazon box four new books including The Bhagivad… Continue

Added by mike cubbage on January 18, 2009 at 12:24am — No Comments

it's going to be a cold one. . .

wow it's time for a coffee! By the way: the weather: -24°C (-11° Fahrenheit) this morning in Moncton but it is going up to -19°C (-2° Fahrenheit), with lots of sun and a little cloud.

Added by Steve MacDowall on January 17, 2009 at 1:34am — 1 Comment

WBC Judges Certification

Congratulations to all the judges who passed the WBC judges certification. Dave said it was quite challenging. I was lucky enough to be there as a barista where I was able to get a real insight into the level of judging that is expected, as well as a taste of how much judging has the potential to improve more over the next few years.
Thank you to Emily, Brent, Justin, Chris, volunteers, judges and Box Hill Tafe for an enjoyable, exhausting and rewarding couple of days.

Added by Zoe Delany on January 16, 2009 at 3:41am — 1 Comment

my first coffee this week

I was sick when I was in Toronto but now I have bronchitis and I’m on antibiotics - I've been drinking a lot of tea but today I'm going to have my first coffee in a week. The water is on.

Added by Steve MacDowall on January 16, 2009 at 1:38am — 1 Comment

Rhythm of the Bean

Listen to the rhythm of the roasting drum

Telling me just what a fool I've been

I wish that it end and let me stop this pain

And let me grind and brew again

The favorite bean I crave so much has gone away

Depleted stash now needs a new start

But little did I know when I pulled that very last shot

The crema took my breath and stole my heart

Bean please tell me now does that seem fair

For you to steal my soul away with taste so rare

I… Continue

Added by Mike McGinness on January 15, 2009 at 10:34pm — 3 Comments

Round two

So, roast day is here again! I'm currently hands-on with the roaster only one day a week, and I'll be trying to make a quick post before the day begins proper.

Looking at my notes from last week's roast, there were only a few 'oops'. I charged the roast 10 degrees late once, and we scrambled to get it caught back up a bit there - not a big deal though. I let a couple green beans fall into the batch we had in the cooling tray, which I had to fish out... I'd love to get a step ladder or… Continue

Added by Chad Smith on January 15, 2009 at 8:54am — No Comments

Barista Exchange Partners Discount Series

Hello bXers!

I mentioned earlier this month that we will be rolling out our bX partners discount series, and we have the first opportunity available now. This first discount is offered by the American Barista & Coffee School.

For the next three months the American Barista & Coffee School is offering the following discount exclusively to Barista Exchange members.

Any Barista Exchange member will receive the… Continue

Added by Matt Milletto on January 14, 2009 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Barista de Casa Blog

Barista de Casa Blog Continue

Added by Brandon Gott on January 13, 2009 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Picking with care, Javanese Coffee Harvest

In the village the streets are quiet and empty. It is a little after midday and the children are at school, the adults going about their daily routine in the fields higher up the slope of the volcano. The only noise is the occasional cackle of hens and a mournful mooing coming from the dairy sheds in the centre of the town. Sunlight filters through the canopy of taller trees, speckling the coffee grown below in a pleasant, clear half-light. The coffee… Continue

Added by Alun Evans on January 13, 2009 at 6:53pm — No Comments

The New Girl

Seeing how I'm the new girl in town...I'm hoping to get some great input on how to navigate around this site...who to connect with...things to see...etc.

Anyone have any pointers for me?

Added by Shannon Roberts on January 13, 2009 at 2:46pm — 1 Comment

Costa Rica

Two months have passed since my November, 2008 trip to Costa Rica and it is with joy and sadness that I share a small sampling of my many photos. Although I've traveled to other origin lands before, this was the first time I was led to a place - at least in part - by coffee.

For any willing observer, Costa Rica reveals its beauty around every turn - in vibrant color, with exotic sounds, and a sensory overload of scents and flavors. As is said, it's Pura Vida (literally "pure life")… Continue

Added by teresa pilarz on January 13, 2009 at 1:35pm — 1 Comment

coffee is a virtue, not a vice

coffee is a virtue, not a vice

Added by byron on January 12, 2009 at 7:54pm — 1 Comment

SCAA Skills Building Workshop February 13th-15th

we are currently looking for volunteers for station leads and porters. Please contact Lydia Troxler at 919.433.5130. Volunteering provides great networking opportunities, industry experience, and a chance to experience the Skill Building workshops from a different viewpoint.…


Added by Brent hall on January 12, 2009 at 8:30am — No Comments

Servicing of a 3 group La Pavoni

As said in my earlier blog, its been about a year that I've operated the 3 group La Pavoni. I figured it was time to give the machine a good "Scrub down". The key servicing had to be done on the piston group and removing it with the right tools was not difficult. Having said, get ready for its weight. Each piston weighs a hefty 15kg. Great for weight lifting exercises.

The piston group makes a great looking trophy for Lever Espresso Machine… Continue

Added by Danny on January 12, 2009 at 2:30am — 3 Comments

El Salvador origin trip

Getting very excited. We get to go to El Salvador again this year to visit tons of farms. We are especially excited about getting to spend two days at our favorite coffee farm Finca San jose. We will also be visiting our newest farm partner El Porvenir and Aconcagua. Going Feb 6th through the 14th. Can't wait!

Added by Andy Newbom on January 11, 2009 at 11:54am — 2 Comments

Coffee and wine synergy takes another turn.

Lots of parallels with wine and specialty coffees. Last Saturday Kevin (Josh's uncle and co-owner) and Josh (the winemaker), a couple gents from a (relatively) local winery, stopped by unannounced to try some of my Beehouse station pour-over coffees. They liked what they tasted and we chatted a hour or so. Phone and email exchanges continued during the week. Yesterday Sweet Valley Wines officially became my first private label wholesale customer picking up their first bags-o-beans… Continue

Added by Mike McGinness on January 11, 2009 at 10:12am — 1 Comment

Too Much Grinder? Ms. Silvia Meet Mr. Robur

I was just wondering if people out there thought this was too much grinder for my home setup?


Just kidding. We're scheduled to open sometime next week (it all depends on countertop) and the nice people at ESI shipped my grinder post haste. I brought it home, commensurately fell in love, and,… Continue

Added by Benjamin H Wilkinson on January 10, 2009 at 5:30am — 9 Comments

My Romance with Lever Espresso machines.

My fascination with lever espresso machines stretches way back to the time I saw my first real commercial machine, in Auckland in 1987. The machine in question was being used in what we Kiwi's would call a “Milk Bar” type coffee shop, in downtown Auckland City. The machine was a venerable Italian 2 grouper, complete with the then obligatory dome. I cant remember the type of machine, but I do remember it was not a machine where the dome was part… Continue

Added by Alun Evans on January 10, 2009 at 12:46am — 21 Comments


I have heard that there might be a party tonight at the Blackwater Cafe in Tacoma. I was wondering what time the festivities start?

Added by Scott Baldwin on January 9, 2009 at 1:07pm — No Comments

The Sacred Cup begins a sacred journey...

Yesterday, I got a tattoo of a sacred coffee cup (yes, it's a halo, not a doughnut) and on Wednesday I begin a sacred journey, my first trip to origin. I'll be visiting Mesa de los Santos in Colombia and Lagunitas in Honduras, I can't wait.

Added by Troy Reynard on January 9, 2009 at 1:03pm — 1 Comment

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