All Blog Posts (1,797)

Coffee Protects the Brain from Cholesterol High cholesterol is responsible for many illnesses, not the least of which is a heightened risk of stroke. A 2008 study published in the Journal of Neuroi…

Coffee Protects the Brain from Cholesterol

High cholesterol is responsible for many illnesses, not the least of which is a heightened risk of stroke. A 2008 study published in the Journal of Neuroinflammation suggests that caffeine equivalent to 6-7 cups of coffee a day just might protect the brain from the damages caused by cholesterol.

High cholesterol levels increase the risk of stroke in a number of ways. Cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease, which is… Continue

Added by Spyridon Gkinnis on October 1, 2009 at 8:00am — No Comments

Guatemala coffee history

History of Coffee in Guatemala

While the world coffee crisis of the past few years has increased problems faced by the Mayan people in Guatemala, they have been facing a permanent crisis for centuries, ever since the Spaniards arrived and began to disrupt indigenous ways of life. This began when the Spanish crown awarded large swaths of land to settlers, and what had been traditional Mayan lands became large estates upon which the indigenous people were forced to work. Throughout the… Continue

Added by Spyridon Gkinnis on October 1, 2009 at 7:30am — No Comments

It hit me today, this is getting real!

I'd re-stocked the whole bean shelf of my little cafe Saturday morning and brought in 18 bags again today, 4 days later. Then it sort of hit me, it's really starting to get real. It's taken almost two years to build up to going through 25 to 30 bags or so a week (combined off the shelf retail sales and by the cup brew station) plus 3 to 5 five pounders of espresso blend. Not huge by any means, but not to bad for a little 20 seater cafe. And picked up another wholesale account last week. And… Continue

Added by Mike McGinness on September 29, 2009 at 7:18pm — 2 Comments

Free 1 Year Subscription to Website Magazine

This was forwarded to me yesterday, and I thought I would share this with all of my friends since most of you have a website of your own. This is the top magazine for people with a website, and they are giving away subscriptions to boost their readership. The free subscription is the one on the right side of the web page below:

Feel free to pass it along to your friends… Continue

Added by Samara Gray on September 29, 2009 at 9:45am — 3 Comments


So competing this weekend was good. I definately didn't even come close to placing, but word on the street is I looked so calm, cool, and collected (couldn't be further from the truch), that I had everyone pretty scared. I guess it was good for me to get out there. I was able to observe other baristas much more talented than myself. Hopefully next year proves to be alot more worthwhile. :)

I had a blast with the group we took up. It was their first year at a competition, or coffee… Continue

Added by Erin on September 27, 2009 at 9:06pm — No Comments

Coffee Fest Seattle 2009

I'm home from the second day of coffee fest (with a sinus infection of all things). Thursday was a meet and greet with the guys from Caffe D'arte - Always fun.

Yesterday was the first day we showed our new trade show booth and our new splickit interface. Both were really well received!

I think the show today and yesterday is better than last year. We are seeing more positive people and exhibitors!

Added by Mike Spence on September 26, 2009 at 7:22pm — No Comments

Now That's Ridiculous!

Ridiculously consistent in a good way. Started this afternoon's roast session with three batches of my D'Spro Espresso blend, this one's a pre-roast blend. My USRC automated profile target 17min. (Automatically ends and dumps by bean mass temp, unless I override and go manual of course.) First batch 17:05, second batch 17:05, third batch way off 17:08:-) Going on 2 years with this little puppy and still love and impressed by it...

Added by Mike McGinness on September 24, 2009 at 3:51pm — No Comments

Coffeefest Seattle 2009! Fun New Stuff!

Hello Friends!

We at Gourmet Source are busily preparing for a great show at Coffee Fest Seattle 2009 and looking forward to seeing each of you this weekend!

Please make sure to stop by:

Ghirardelli Chocolate, booth #904-#906, and taste our exciting new Ghirardelli Sweet Ground Peppermint Cocoa for the holidays!

Third Street Chai Group/Pixie Mate/Boulder Organic Lemonade, booth #1023, and try their fantastic line up of all organic… Continue

Added by Ginger Gerhart on September 23, 2009 at 1:49pm — No Comments

hello every body

i am in the process of opening a coffee shop in my city and wanted to know how shall i design the menu of my coffee shop?what things should i consider while designing a cool menu?also i wanted to know that does the espresso machines come with an inbuilt grinder?or else we have to purchase it seperately? which espresso machine should i opt for? a semi-auto or an fully automatic machine?
can any body help me in this matter?

Added by Ranjeet Pawar on September 23, 2009 at 7:00am — No Comments

TORTELLINI -PASTA delight . from Chef Steve Petusevsky.

Sure, stew and pasta are traditional, hearty dishes to warmus

up on a cold winter’s day. But this hearty and aromatic dish

from Chef Steve Petusevsky is sure tomake friends and family

think you graduated froma gourmet cooking school! The

good news is that it’s the blending of complimentary flavors

thatmakes this simple recipememorable.And, the addition

of coffee as an ingredient gives this a rich, sultry flavor that

sets this pasta/vegetable/shrimp dish in a… Continue

Added by Spyridon Gkinnis on September 23, 2009 at 5:01am — No Comments

"Are we there yet?"

"Are we there yet?"

“Are we there yet?”

I have been involved in coffee for a relatively short period of time, really. It’s a long period of time for me, but in retrospect, it’s not much time at all and I still don’t feel I have a substantial footprint in the coffee industry, especially not in comparison to some.

However, in the short time that I have been in the… Continue

Added by Bryan Wray on September 23, 2009 at 12:28am — No Comments

A Humble Start...

Let the blogging begin.

ThatCoffeeGuy's Blog

"Everyone has a blog page these days. People that have a website will still have a link to their blog page on the website. It’s the thing to do for sure, and another sure thing is that I am getting into the game far later than everyone else.

So where to begin? It seems like your first post should be something groundbreaking, earth shattering and… Continue

Added by Bryan Wray on September 22, 2009 at 5:12pm — 1 Comment

Moderate coffee consumption may be associated with a reduction in the risk of certain diseases,” food scientist says.

Moderate coffee consumption may be associated with a reduction in the risk of certain diseases,” food scientist says.

New York, NY – The good news about coffee and health keeps getting better, according to a food science expert who spoke at a symposium here. According to James Coughlin Ph.D., toxicologist and consultant in food safety, “The preponderance of scientific evidence suggests that moderate coffee consumption – that is three to five cups a day – may be associated with a… Continue

Added by Spyridon Gkinnis on September 22, 2009 at 4:28pm — 1 Comment

What is decaffeinated coffee?

Decaffeinated Coffee – How it is produced.

What is decaffeinated coffee?

According to legislation within the EU markets decaffeinated coffee is a coffee with a caffeine content reduced to 0,1% or less in roasted coffee beans, and to 0,3% or less in soluble/instant coffee.

Decaffeinated coffee is available as a choice for those consumers who wish to enjoy the taste and aroma of coffee without experiencing the mild stimulant effects provided by the… Continue

Added by Spyridon Gkinnis on September 22, 2009 at 4:18pm — No Comments

Starbucks on the Attack! New machine set to hit Starbucks stores by 2010.

In front of 6,000 investors, employees and analysts at the annual shareholder meeting on Wednesday, Mr. Schultz introduced an improved automated espresso machine that grinds coffee for each drink and has a lower height that will allow customers to see baristas making their beverage. He said the company would roll out the Swiss-made Mastrena machines to three-fourths of Starbucks stores by 2010.

Mr. Schultz also announced the acquisition of the Coffee Equipment Company, the… Continue

Added by Healthy Coffee on September 22, 2009 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Fremont Coffee starts roasting to gain cachet, control flavor (and, it saves money)

Full blog post is here. (Thanks again to Mike McGinness for telling me I wasn't linking.)

Added by Melissa Allison on September 22, 2009 at 2:29pm — No Comments

Babies, Widows, Bread and More: A Busy Visit to Guate

September 7-13, 2009, Program Director Jose Luis Zarate and International Program Coordinator Jose Carlos Leon visited Coffee Kids' partners APROS and ADESPA in Guatemala.

Our first stop was in San Pedro La Laguna, on the shores of Lake Atitlan, where APROS trains local health promoters who teach women in their communities pre- and post-natal care, the use of medicinal plants and the importance of a nutritious diet. APROS Widow’s Project offers medical check-ups, basic food… Continue

Added by Coffee Kids on September 22, 2009 at 12:11pm — No Comments

Out of The Box

Dear Friends,

We warmly invite you to forward an invitation to local barista champs in your market to the La Marzocco Out of the Box event - . Ask them to join the La Marzocco team and other champs from around the world, including:

Gwilym Davies – WBC Champion 2009

Nik Orosi – National Barista Champion Croatia 2006/2007/2008

Yara Castano – National Barista Champion Brazil… Continue

Added by nik orosi on September 21, 2009 at 10:53am — No Comments

Social Media Ideas for Espresso & Coffee Houses

Are Your Baristas Rock Stars?

With Coffee Fest Seattle approaching this week, we wanted to share some ideas on how to drive sales in coffee houses using social media.

The explosion of independent espresso and coffee houses across North America in the last ten years is phenomenal. Over the last few years we’ve seen top barista competitions at not only coffee business conventions, but also at the National Restaurant Show in Chicago.

Most independent coffee… Continue

Added by Jeffrey J Kingman on September 21, 2009 at 8:30am — 2 Comments

Barista Exchange at Coffee Fest

Hey all, be sure to come by and see me in the American Barista & Coffee School booth # 714 at Coffee Fest this next weekend. I have a limited edition run of new buttons as well for Barista Exchange members.

See you there!

- Matt

Added by Matt Milletto on September 18, 2009 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

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