Mike McGinness's Blog – March 2009 Archive (3)

Surf, Search, SCORE!

Couple years ago scored 2 brand new in the box Mazzer Super Jollys for $500 total on Craigslist. Not too shabby. Caveat they were European models so needed 220v (and runs a wee bit faster on 60Hz versus Euro 50Hz.) No biggy in a shop new build but no good for most home use. This morning though scored big time. Brand new 110v Robur, $250. No kidding. Times are tight and broker than dead broke, I mean broke will be a great place to get back UP to (as in out of debt), but such deal could NOT pass… Continue

Added by Mike McGinness on March 28, 2009 at 11:00am — No Comments

Ending the day on a 1:55 high note

While the day at the cafe was a bit of a low swing on the current day to day economic roller coaster ended on a good note. Popped over to the roaster location for a quick session roasting for a wholesale order pickup in the morning. 32lb greens roasted and bagged in 1hr 55min from unlocking to locking the door. Not too shabby for an officially 3k rated roaster! Four 8lb batches roasted and bagged in under 2 hours including roaster warm up, cool down, and clean up. Never regretted paying the… Continue

Added by Mike McGinness on March 26, 2009 at 6:51pm — No Comments

Saturday after dinner Aloha Hills Americano

Drinking an after dinner Aloha Hills Americano. Very nice rich Kona! In truth I haven't drunk that much of it been so off into other coffees. Like Panama Esmeralda Gesha 4 or 5 times a week first cup of the morning for months. But I've been ignoring Kona for long enough to really appreciate it's smooth rich balance again. I drank so much Kona for so many years kind of became "normal" and somewhat became ho-hum losing it's appeal. But not this cup. All deep, rich and smooth with a delicate… Continue

Added by Mike McGinness on March 21, 2009 at 7:08pm — No Comments

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