Peter Tam's Blog – April 2008 Archive (4)

Barista = bartender? So, we need spirits.

I am writing my book as a manual, for baristas, so it should include the knowledge about spirits and cocktails.

I am learning while I am reading and writing. When I am getting to know it, what do I expect to know about? Should I found the similar situation for this part of the world? Or, it is different.

Anyway, let us see and expect.

I have got the Bible, in Chinese edition, and it really help. But, the real situation has to be found later.

Anybody… Continue

Added by Peter Tam on April 29, 2008 at 11:17am — 1 Comment

Kaffa Cafe will have their own cafe again in Beijing.

Even if we decided not to have any cafes recently, we were asked to set up a cafe in a big office building, in Beijing area, with the most attractable conditions in the market.

Yes, we decided to take it for such a good condition and also a chance to educate people how good an esresso and coffee drinks can be tasty. As the market need more cafes where people can find good coffee drinks, we can do it slowly and one by one. It seems that there will be more people knowing what a good… Continue

Added by Peter Tam on April 11, 2008 at 9:59am — 1 Comment

Who and How to Define the Standards of Coffee Drinks?

Times ago, I suggested our standards of coffee drinks, but ..., as you may know.

There are some one or organizations who may want to make it. But, finally, I am thinking that who and how to define the Standards of Coffee Drinks?

Yes, the market!

If someone, even by chance, can make something that the market would take, it can be done and accepted by the market. But, if not, it must be disappear as you can imagine.

Till now, how much do we know… Continue

Added by Peter Tam on April 3, 2008 at 10:04am — 2 Comments

A General Idea of Coffee Industry in China (chapter 2)

Recently, I am in Guangzhou to develop the local market for the Barista Training of Kaffa Cafe. Our Barista Training Centre was established at the beginning of 2007.

Now, I am training some students. Yesterday, they told me that the cafes, which I suggested them to go to see if they need more baristas or not, are almost all closed. Only few of them, which they did not go, was not known yet.

For Beijing, the situation is almost the same, or a bit of better. Most cafes are… Continue

Added by Peter Tam on April 1, 2008 at 10:41am — No Comments

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