Peter Tam's Blog – May 2008 Archive (8)

Drip Coffee And Espresso!

Drip coffee is not only the coffee made of the drip machines, but also vacuum pots, French press, and so on. It is good for brewing single orgin beans, specially for arabica beans.

Theoretically, all brewing tools can make the same drip coffe with proper management and control. Essentially, they are same.

Espresso should use specially processed beans, and can be very well tasted. Although in several countries, all cafes serve only espresso drinks, not drip coffee any more.… Continue

Added by Peter Tam on May 28, 2008 at 11:45pm — 13 Comments

About Latte Art, and more!

I was going to say something about this problem, but soon I found a post in some forums about it. The guy who made that post remain in that forum on in Feb of 2007, and dispeared totally after that.

It was clearly stated that "we would concentrated in the quality of the drinks, but not the paintings", or similar. It was not due to the creater of the forums, but the participants to get "those" people having different opinions out of that forum, and shut up to talk about their own… Continue

Added by Peter Tam on May 28, 2008 at 10:00am — 15 Comments

Learn to know if one is in a group or not!

According to the definition of Mr. Le Bon, the members of a group of people normally behave differently as they were individually. Originally they could be very gentle and kind as individual, but after enrolled in a group, they will behave quite differently, much better or much worse.

As an individual, one may mostly care of himself and has his own target or purpose. such as win a game, and so on. If not, it can be a sight of difference. In this case, they may also do something,… Continue

Added by Peter Tam on May 26, 2008 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

My First Application about Mr. Le Bon's Theory!

From the very start of my study about Le Bon's Theory, I thought what we can do even if we learn and know such a situation.

Today, I recognized one application for it.

In China, in most of authority of industries and societies, there are always related "Expert Groups" for making the necessary policies. Such as medical and hospitals, tele-communications, and so on, the member experts of those groups can be intelligent individually but within the groups, even if they are… Continue

Added by Peter Tam on May 20, 2008 at 11:46am — 2 Comments

Kaffa Cafe, is ready to go!

After years of development of Coffee and Espresso Theorey and their brewing skills, Kaffa Cafe is ready to go for its commercial business.

Where can we go? Many!

Trianing of baristas, cafes, supply of machines and distribution of coffee beans, and so on, as usual. And, we also have something else to do, which are mainly related to coffee.

While it is organized, we have time left, at least for myself to do something else.

What can I do for this… Continue

Added by Peter Tam on May 11, 2008 at 10:43am — No Comments

A General Idea of Coffee Industry in China (chapter 3)

In chapter 2, we talked about the coffee market in Guangzhou. Let's see it again and maybe in a deeper way.

Many cafes are closing and/or transfered, and the market is going down. What do we expect for the future of this market?

Is it going down and down? No, I do not think so.

When people noticed that some or even many cafes are closing, and they would surely stop to invest for more cafes. Some of the capitals will moved to other industries, like real estates,… Continue

Added by Peter Tam on May 9, 2008 at 10:30am — No Comments

Customer Education, is that right?

From time to time, we heard about the topics of "customer education".

Now, let me say something about it.

Are we able to educate the customers? To know this, I would compare coffee with hamburgers. That is the symble of success of Mc Donald (hope the spelling is correct). Is it good? I do not know. But for me, it is not good, simply because I had the better one, much better. But finally, it was replaced by Mac (may I call it like this? Sorry, apple).

We… Continue

Added by Peter Tam on May 6, 2008 at 11:12am — 5 Comments

Kaffa Cafe, a lonely walker on this lonely planet!

For years after I joining the website and forums abroard where we can meet the baristas, home-baristasm, and coffee professionals, we had been still alone for the good coffee and espresso drinks.

In Chinese phrases, we say that it is the coldest when you are at the high level of development. It is what we have to be, and let us be there.

I cannot conclude that the effects for the trainees from other training of baristas, while for us, it is so nice to have more and… Continue

Added by Peter Tam on May 5, 2008 at 1:17pm — 11 Comments

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