Mike McGinness's Blog – October 2009 Archive (3)

Another Super Score

Last Mazzer Super Jolly I picked up for $100, no lids, no hopper and broken 'timer' switch - had to hold it on. Still a right good deal. Just scored an old SJ that purrs beautifully, has the old off/on/start switch I want (to re-wire on/off for plugging into Gralab timer), broken hopper (who cares), doser in good shape for a cool $60. They were asking $50, but I talked them up to $60 to have it delivered and save me time:-)

Added by Mike McGinness on October 30, 2009 at 3:36pm — 1 Comment

Opposite poles or are they?

Saturday I posted about meeting with my Angel Sunday. Sunday morning I arrived to open my cafe and find the front door glass smashed and door unlocked. Got burglarized, but fortunately the place wasn't trashed. Register emptied excelpt for pennies, dimes and nickles and back up change cash box gone. No signs of anything else missing. Called the police and started pre-open stuff after cleaning up the broken glass. Then it hit me, no way to make change! Had a few ones & fives in the deposit… Continue

Added by Mike McGinness on October 26, 2009 at 10:00pm — 4 Comments

Of Godshots and Angels...

Meeting with my Angel tomorrow. Been skimping, scrimping, begging, borrowing and credit card "loan" advancing for months attempting to get my 2nd CoffeeHouse open at my Roastery. Few weeks ago during lunch Debi was chatting with Beth, a long time co-worker, and in passing mentioned the challenges I was having. Out of the blue Beth said she could probably loan us the money. Paperworks all done, we're signing tomorrow. The final sprint to opening begins in earnest! (Hence my Event… Continue

Added by Mike McGinness on October 24, 2009 at 7:39pm — No Comments

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