Mike McGinness's Blog – December 2009 Archive (3)

Christmas coffees, me and my yum...

Crema flowing, pa yum pum yum pum

Esmeralda Gesha, pa yum pum yum pum

Christmas Eve Americanos, pa yum pum yum pum

Sipped with Muppets Christmas Carol, pa yum pum yum pum

yum pum yum pum, yum pum yum pum

We so savor them, pa yum pum yum pum,

When we come.

Morning beanies, pa yum pum yum pum

Kenya Kirinyaga, pa yum pum yum pum

Few gifts in the stockings, pa yum pum yum pum

Yet Americano a marveling, pa yum pum yum pum

yum pum yum… Continue

Added by Mike McGinness on December 25, 2009 at 12:05pm — No Comments

"No Brainer" first shot and other meanderings

Yesterday evening after about an hour dialing in the PID's for the brew boilers pulled the first shots on our Roastery Cafe's new Linea 4AV (new as in newly rebuilt from the chasis up with dual brew PID). No brainer cuz have up to manual functionality only, Friday electronic controls and brain go back in. Somewhat surprisingly first shot was quite decent. Somewhat surprising since no dial in the grind shot on the Major, simply adjust the grinds by feel between the fingers before grinding… Continue

Added by Mike McGinness on December 24, 2009 at 8:09am — No Comments

Jumped one of the last hurdles...

Bruce, my health inspector (both for my existing downtown Paradise Cafe and now soon to open Roastery Coffeehouse) stopped by this afternoon to look the place over. He said all looks good and approved the pre-open plan. Now just a few (hundred, or is it thousand:-) remaining things to do before the actual final pre-open inspection sometime before NY Day Grand Opening Party... Drive fast (and safe) Bry! :-)

Added by Mike McGinness on December 15, 2009 at 5:00pm — 4 Comments

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