Steve MacDowall's Blog (53)

I woke up early

It was dark when I woke up this morning and made my way down stairs. I had a real desire for a hot mug of java that I just started to sing to myself the Java Jive song, but the only coffee I had was the house decaf blend from Starbucks (which I pick up for my wife Beverly).

I so wanted to sit down with a coffee in the still of the morning with a coffee that I made a pot.

So good – I settled… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on November 30, 2008 at 4:00am — No Comments

long day

wow what a long day - I was up at 4:50 to start work at 5:30 - I finished well after 6:30.

Tomorrow I have the morning off so I'm off to have my coffee downtown. Meet some friends and have a good time.

I'm off not to la la time but first I do a little reading.

night all.

Added by Steve MacDowall on November 17, 2008 at 3:39pm — No Comments

Great day

even though the temp is low around 3°C this morning in Moncton (going up to 5°C) we have the sun. This is really wonderful because we have been having a lot of rain of late.

Does anyone know if Obama drinks coffee?

NOTE: EU eager to work with Obama:

Added by Steve MacDowall on November 17, 2008 at 4:53am — 1 Comment

another rainy day

What a crappy day - light rain and overcast with some wind. Doing a lot of reading.

Added by Steve MacDowall on November 16, 2008 at 7:22am — 1 Comment

great day

My wife gave me a wonderful gift today – a new computer chair. It’s black leather with chrome. She put it together with the help of my daughter Liz. Boy does it feel good. My coffee tomorrow morning should taste a little better when I sit in this seat.

Added by Steve MacDowall on November 15, 2008 at 3:05pm — No Comments

good start to my day

got up around 5:10 this morning and made myself a wonderful bold mug of coffee with my french press.

Added by Steve MacDowall on November 15, 2008 at 9:30am — No Comments

really bad mug of coffee

I was out to breakfast by myself this morning and I was served one of the worst mugs of coffee I've had in a long time - the only good thing about it she never came back to offer me more.

Added by Steve MacDowall on November 11, 2008 at 6:28pm — No Comments

we are going to party tonight . . .

Most of August was a disaster; talking about the weather – out of the first 20 days we had maybe three or four days of sun, otherwise it was overcast with rain most days. Now the weather has turned pleasant; sun, a few clouds and warm. Today looks like another perfect day.

What’s on board for today; cleaning the studio, hanging up some watercolour works in the studio and in the front entrance; working on the Thursday File and the… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 24, 2008 at 4:55am — No Comments

just working away in my studio

Wow another nice hot sunny day. Beverly and Liz took of to a Baby shower this afternoon, then they plan to shop for tomorrows party and the wedding next week. It looks like it’s going to be a very busy week leading up to Nathan’s wedding on Saturday.

I’ve been working today mostly on the Thursday File but also cleaning up my computer doing a ton of filling. My screen looks a little better. I keep jumping around – a little of this a little of that – moving slowly but am I getting… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 23, 2008 at 12:33pm — No Comments

very busy morning

Yesterday was wonderful, sunny all day, this lead to our first red tomato, which we all took a slice of. The taste was out of this world. If this keeps up we are going to have a ton of tomatoes.

I have a very full morning of work from 6am until 3pm I only have two half hour breaks the rest of the time is non stop action you might say. It’s hard in one sense; you must stay focused and watch the time like a hawk; time does go by fast though and before you realize it. The work day is… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 22, 2008 at 1:42am — No Comments

Murder she wrote?

My granddaughter Shannon stayed over last night which takes a lot of our time you could say we had our hands full.

I’m a real sap for TV shows – one of them I loved to watch was ‘Murder She Wrote’, from 1984 to 1996, simple entertainment you might say but there was something I enjoyed. Angela Lansbury played a mystery writer who always found herself investigating murders that occurred around her. My son would call her “Lady Death – where ever she goes death always follows her.” I… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 20, 2008 at 7:49am — No Comments

Murder She Wrote?

My granddaughter Shannon stayed over last night which takes a lot of our time you could say we had our hands full.

I’m a real sap for TV shows – one of them I loved to watch was ‘Murder She Wrote’, from 1984 to 1996, simple entertainment you might say but there was something I enjoyed. Angela Lansbury played a mystery writer who always found herself investigating murders that occurred around her. My son would call her “Lady Death – where ever she goes death always follows her.” I… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 20, 2008 at 7:01am — No Comments

Murder She Wrote?

My granddaughter Shannon stayed over last night which takes a lot of our time you could say we had our hands full.

I’m a real sap for TV shows – one of them I loved to watch was ‘Murder She Wrote’, from 1984 to 1996, simple entertainment you might say but there was something I enjoyed. Angela Lansbury played a mystery writer who always found herself investigating murders that occurred around her. My son would call her “Lady Death – where ever she goes death always follows her.” I… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 20, 2008 at 2:36am — No Comments

going for a coffee this morning

This morning I’m having a battle of patience with these three flies. I hate them and they are driving me up the wall. I have my flyswatter (maybe I need to get one of those fly gun or flygun, a derivative of the fly swatter, uses a spring-loaded plastic projectile to "swat" flies. Mounted on the projectile is a perforated circular disk which, according to advertising copy, "really does work" and "won't splat the fly".) with me at all times but they seem to be working together – impossible you… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 19, 2008 at 3:22am — No Comments

blue skies all day long . . .

Just finish my first rounds today and I’m going to make breakfast for myself. Beverly headed out over a half hour ago; she popped her head into the studio and waved goodbye as she was eating a peach. Liz is still in Sussex where she has been for the weekend.

Well, we did not get out on Sunday as I had planed but instead I made a really great salad for Beverly when she got home. The rest of the day was spent doing yard work.

Tomorrow I plan to get over to Chapters for a… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 18, 2008 at 5:11am — No Comments

Mysterious Mountain

Working on the Thursday File for next week; listening to Alan Hovhaness’ Symphony number two . It was completed in 1955 and he named it ‘Mysterious Mountain’ – I love it.

Did you know his last symphony Symphony was No. 67 - 'Hymn to the Mountains', Op. 429 for orchestra - he finished it in 1992.

Beverly is out working; filling in for someone on vacation. She should be back for lunch. And since we did not go out for our… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 17, 2008 at 8:17am — No Comments

the fog outside is so thick that even the birds are undercover

I woke up early this morning to the sound of birds out side my window having an argument; is that possible.

The fog outside is so thick even the birds are undercover. Will the sun come out to play today; I ask?

I had set the alarm for around six but had forgotten. I was so relaxed but fully away thinking about the thinks I wanted to get done today. When the alarm did go off it caught me by surprise – it took me a moment to cancel the sound but it was too late to go back to that… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 16, 2008 at 4:40am — No Comments

close my eyes; thinking pleasant thoughts.

I finished the Thursday File newsletter late on Wednesday. I thought the file was a very good one this week. Those who read this little ramble – please let me know what you thought. – oh and let me also know if you are on twitter?

Yesterday was a blast I was feeling great and worked hard; got lots accomplished.

Today, I think it has to do with the weather; I woke up with another headache, this time week, so I thought it might go away – then I’ve been having a lot of… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 15, 2008 at 4:52am — No Comments

my eyes seemed to want to meet each other

It’s going to be a long day at work today- a full day and I still have not finished the Thursday File that goes out tomorrow morning. I’ll have to work that out in between my calls today.

Had coffee yesterday at Starbucks with a good old chat with a friend.

Liz made a fantastic dinner for us last night. Lemon Basel Spaghetti with shrimps and scallops with veggies from the garden. This was toped of with a delightful chocolate dessert with Ice-cream.

I worked on… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 13, 2008 at 2:19am — No Comments

pounding away

I woke up early this morning with a very bad migraine headache. I’ve take some medicine but it’s still pounding away.

I hope it’s going to be a good day out today. I only have one call to make this morning then I’m off until 1:30 for a full afternoon of work. I plan to go to Chapters/Starbucks and relax this morning and meet a few people and read or do some writing.

When I was growing up I would go up to my uncle’s place in northern Ontario and I would take long walks in the… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 12, 2008 at 3:11am — No Comments

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