Steve MacDowall's Blog (53)

to the beach

I get up early most mornings but yesterday, Sunday I slept in. Saturday night I was up late watching old TV programs on DVDs; finally succumbing at 2am. Once up though I made breakfast for two – something simple - a beagle with cheese, egg and bacon. Beverly dropped me off at Chapters/Starbucks; she had to work. I read, drank coffee; actually laities and just relaxed. When she picked me up, we headed home. Around four, I made hamburgers on the BBQ along with onions, zucchini, cherry tomatoes,… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 11, 2008 at 11:05am — No Comments

Rain, rain, go away.

Well I was a little bit more prepared this morning – got everything set up before I started, which got me off to a good start. So far today we have had a little sun, a little rain, but mostly it has just been cloudy and foggy.

My work day is almost over, only three more phone calls -- then off for a coffee and a meeting with two guys about our house.

I really need to spend some time this weekend cleaning up the studio. It’s a real mess.

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 8, 2008 at 8:11am — 1 Comment

gray cells

I worked on the Thursday File late last night to finish it off and schedule it for today’s mailing. The last thing I looked at was my schedule for today. But between leaving the computer and hitting the sack my little tired gray cells missed something – I set my alarm and decided to sleep in until 5:45; giving me a good 45 minutes to get ready for my first call. I came down stairs, put the water on for coffee, turned on the computer, went back made the coffee took it into the studio. Checked me… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 7, 2008 at 4:19am — No Comments

it's going to be a long day. . .

I could not sleep last night so I finally got up at 4am ground up some coffee beans and made myself a strong pot of Sumatra

It’s going to be a long day; I’m looking forward to it I just hope I last through it all.

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 6, 2008 at 1:55am — No Comments

Friends at Starbucks

This morning I sent out a few emails to friends to let them know I would be over at Starbucks from 10am until noon. Two dropped over – it was great Bob was first and we had a great chat then Rob and his friend dropped over as Bob was leaving. I must say it was a delightful morning.

A little note on the flies that keep trying to entertain me each morning; they are so annoying. Each one plays hide and seek but I get them in the end. It’s turning into a little ritual. Today was a little… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 5, 2008 at 11:54am — No Comments

Solzhenitsyn died on Sunday

Sunday was really good but the lawn did not fair too well with all the cars but the amount of rain we’re having it should bounce back quickly.

I woke up at 5:00 but stayed in bed until 5:30 listening to the rain. It’s rally coming down. I’m off work until 1pm but my afternoon is a packed one going right to 5:30 without a break.

Going to make some breakfast now and take it up to my wife who is still in bed. Then I might go over to Chapters to have a coffee and read a… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 4, 2008 at 6:15am — No Comments

going out for a bite to eat... (and I really need my coffee)

As you know The Eagles played last night in Moncton just down the road from us and the girls Liz and Jessica decided to earn a little cash; parking cars; this drew in Beverly and since we also had Shannon over well the only boy out there was Anthony and he was a hit. The girls were down at the entrance of the driveway with a sign ‘Parking $10. Beverly was at the other end parking each vehicle so they could get out when the concert was over. They filled every space up we had over 35 cars and… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 3, 2008 at 5:45am — No Comments

The Eagles are playing tonight just down the road from us

Saturday Morning: woke up late; 5:30am only 3 hours after the party goers (the campers in the fields across the road for tonight’s open air concert: the Eagles) went quite. It was a rough night – I find it had to understand that people visiting a neighborhood, don’t think of others.

As I was on the phone I looked out the window – a smile came to my mind and must have transformed to my face and voice “What’s so funny?” I was asked. “O, it’s just poring out – the rain is really coming… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on August 2, 2008 at 8:02am — No Comments

Sleepless night leads into along day

I could not sleep last night – up at 3:30 a.m. My mind would not turn off; knowing that sleep was past I came downstairs to read which turned into working a touch on the computer.

There is this fly and it keep landing on my screen; making, I’m sure little pad prints all over it; he will not land on anything else. It’s driving me crazy.

Today is the day Beverly works behind the mall over in Dieppe so she will drop me off at Starbucks around 9 and picks me up around… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on July 29, 2008 at 1:24am — No Comments

it was like drinking mud

Nathan and Shirley came up for dinner yesterday but I was out of it with a strong headache. I wasn’t so much fun. Just as well as Beverly, Shirley, Nathan, and Liz talked most about the upcoming wedding.

Nathan made coffee after dinner – as you know I drink it black and no sugar – he used my good coffee – but when I took my first sip it was like drinking mud; how much coffee did you use three or four scoops? – I didn’t see the scoop, so I just poured it in. – I got that look from… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on July 28, 2008 at 2:25am — 3 Comments

Guess whose coming for dinner?

It looks like it’s going to be a wonderful day out there; not a cloud in the sky.

We worked on our garden yesterday for over four hours. The sun was hot but it’s so addictive once you start it’s had to stop; looking good though.

I’ve got a lot of work to do this morning in my Studio. Liz was in yesterday cleaning up my bookcase that covers one side of the room. She organized and labeled the shelves so I’ll know what’s what. I’ll now have to find the book I want, but it… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on July 27, 2008 at 5:54am — No Comments

Saturday, lets get going. . .

We are not sure if it's going to rain or just stay overcast but I would like to spend some time in the garden this morning weeding. I finished my work early this morning with three phone calls to Paris.

Just spending some time with Beverly today will be great; cleaning up the studio along with some office work.

Bev has just left to pick up some eggs and milk at the corner store, well I take a shower.

Maybe we’ll grab a light lunch out or take in a movie tonight; if we get all our… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on July 26, 2008 at 4:56am — No Comments

going to be an interesting day

Got by coffee and I’m already to take my first phone call. It looks like it’s going to be an interesting day for there is a lot of clouds but they are moving very fast and we have some fog up on the hill.

You should see are garden; growing like a madman. Lots of tomatoes and the Zucchini are growing so fast we might pick the first by tomorrow.

I have a doctor’s appointment at 9; if it doesn’t take too long, I think I will take a little trip over to Starbucks and have… Continue

Added by Steve MacDowall on July 18, 2008 at 3:48am — No Comments

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