Brady's Blog (5)

Thank you, Barista Exchange community.

Hi all,


In light of some recent comments regarding the continued usefulness of online discussion communities, I wanted to take a second to say thank you.


Thank you, Barista Exchange community, for continuing to make this a place where we can come together to ask questions, discuss (and sometimes argue) with each other, learn from each other, and grow together in our understanding. Together, we've created a…


Added by Brady on January 26, 2011 at 7:18am — 3 Comments

More than you ever wanted to know about three-way solenoids.

There have been some good discussion posts on the topic of 3-way brew solenoids lately.  I just wanted to add a little explanation of 3-way valves to help people understand how they function in espresso machines and problems you may see.


First, thanks to Terry Z and the Espresso Parts guys for putting up great pics of these parts on their site.  Most of the pics that follow came from there.…


Added by Brady on December 26, 2010 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

Our one year anniversary

The Coffee Garden just celebrated our 1-year anniversary yesterday. Hard to believe that it has only been a year, it seems like we've been open nearly forever. Funny how anniversaries usually lead to reflection, looking back on everything that has happened.

I'd like to thank everyone here in the bX community. I've learned quite a bit and gotten some great ideas from discussions here. Our store has benefited greatly from this community, and I appreciate it. Thank you.

Even… Continue

Added by Brady on December 21, 2008 at 4:30am — 5 Comments

Going up against the clown

We've been hearing the rumors for a few weeks. The shipping container was dropped in the parking lot 2 weeks ago. We knew the day was coming, and now its here - soon we go to war against the clown with the big red shoes! That's right, I have a newly renovated McCafe' 50 yards from our front door. I saw the shiny new super-auto this afternoon when I picked up my QP w/Cheese. Hoppers still empty, not a smudge or a loose ground anywhere on it. Strategically located far enough from the fry-o-lator… Continue

Added by Brady on September 15, 2008 at 6:00pm — 7 Comments

Our "Derby Day" tradition

There is a tradition at my house. On Derby Day, we eat fried chicken and drink Mint Juleps.

To be clear, I live in Charlotte, North Carolina. I'm not even from Louisville. Maybe its because my brother Nick is a chef there and The Derby is a pretty significant event in his world. More likely, its because it is associated with a pretty good (and rather unusual) drink.

So on Derby Day, we eat fried chicken and drink Mint Juleps.

OK... its a cliche. I'm fine with… Continue

Added by Brady on May 1, 2008 at 6:00pm — No Comments

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