My favorite metaphysical image from Leaper by Geoffrey Wood

The parable of the coffee shop shows that the kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man who goes into a coffee shop and orders an espresso. As the man talks across the counter, the coffee guy makes his coffee ands sets the cup and saucer on the counter between them. But the man doesn't drink it; he keeps talking, so the coffee gets cold, useless. The coffee guy pours it out and pulls another, sets it up. The man still can't stop talking. The next one goes bad too. So the coffee guy throws that one out too, makes another. And this goes on see?

You may think you are the coffee guy in the parable, but your not -- you're the espresso. (It's like that in parables.) You're not for you. You're some one else's beverage. And God, the coffee guy, he's going to keep remaking you again and again, as many times as it takes until you are drinkable. God's pulling the shots, and he's got standards.

If God changes you, you'd better change.

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Comment by Chris Hooton on November 15, 2008 at 9:18pm
Love it! By his (tiger) stripes we are healed!
Comment by Kelly David H. on November 15, 2008 at 5:54pm
Man, so true. God's pulling the shots and he's got standards. Lord help me become drinkable, that i come out of that portafilter with streaks of red symbolizing what you did in order for me to be saved. One thing i love about coffee is that there is so much truth that can be paralelled with the Word of God.

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