After the the auction and a short lunch, the awards ceremony was set to begin inside SEBRAE's large auditorium. The finalists in each category were invited to attend with their families and fellow co-op members. Buses had come from Nova Rezende, Boa Esperança, Poço Fundo, and as far away as Espirito Santo state.

Before the winners were announced the various partners in the project each took turns talking about the successes of the Responsible Sourcing Parnership, including TransFair USA's own Julia Delafield.

Pedro Carneiro of the Pronova co-op and Andre Luis Reis of Assoc. Das Costas talked about their co-ops participation in the cupping competition process. Both noted the value of the cupping training for their co-ops and how this will enable them to improve quality and learn how to better market their coffees.

All of the international panel judges were brought on staged and thanked for their participation.

David Hermann of the Roasterie, Kansas City and Beat Grueninger shake hands.

More on the awards ceremony later!

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