What a busy weekend! it all started Friday night with a Barista101Plus.. the plus standing for more individual time with the trainer - i.e me. I had a great time, as as always.. managed to drink heaps of coffee while doing so. Now, coming from a background where it was not un-common for me to knock back 20 coffees a day and passing out at the end of the evening, I thought I would have been fine drinking a few as I went.. Unfortunately, 3am shows-up and my mind is just refusing to settle down! and I have 2 classes the following day that I need to be on my A game for.. the next day the classes go well, but I'm absolutely shattered by the end of them.
Sunday rolls in, and I have booked myself to check and calibrate 4 machines in various locations around Sydney.. so Sunday is now officially a right off! It ends back at my place exhausted lying on the lounge watching re-runs of baywatch - which just happened to be the highlight of my weekend! I went to bed with the notion that next week can only get better.. I woke up early and preceded to make my first coffee - still half asleep.. when SMASH.. an not too well stacked latte glass drops off the top of my machine.. smashing on my drip tray, oh well.. oh yeah, after cleaning up the mess, I also managed to cut the top of my middle finger - not badly.. but just enough to sting a little. Its around this time I hear a little voice speaking to me, saying THE NEW WEEKS JUST BEGINNING.. great.