I write this today with profound sadness combined with some tears. As I walked into the office today my son Matt told me about Dr. illy’s passing. The shock still has not set in as at this writing I have had only minutes to attempt to process the news.

My personal association and that of Bellissimo… goes back many many years. When I entered this industry I used his philosophy and his benchmarks for coffee as the Bible of what was right and wrong. He was my ultimate teacher and mentor.

I was so lucky that I had the chance to actually spend quality amounts of time with him over the years. What he did for me personally – for both my growth and passion cannot be summed up in a simple blog. There is no way I can even try to explain why I would never be where I am today in coffee without the encouragement and the standards set by this one of a kind man.

I was asked to introduce him many years ago in Seattle at a special small dinner of about a hundred invitees… an honor I am humbled by. Before this… when edition one of “Espresso101” was ready for release or re-editing I sent him a copy and he told me he had watched it three times and said he appreciated what this film would do to further proper education around the world. For me it is a conversation I will never forget. He came by my trade show booth on numerous occasions and ask if we could sit down and discusses espresso in America. He once brought a contingency of men into my booth at a SCAA show and proceeded to wax poetic about what we (Bellissimo) had done for the industry. I was so humbled. The pride I felt after this experience and the respect he showed me over the years is truly one of the reasons I forged on. I cannot tell you how many times I would think… “What would Dr. illy do in this situation?”
I looked at him as a man that possessed so many attributes… someone I wanted to learn from and somehow capture just a fraction of his essence -allowing me to be a better human being and a greater servant to specialty coffee.

He flew one time on a few days notice to Milan to allow us to film him and produce what I believe is the ultimate definitive film and interview with him. I remember so vividly having breakfast with him at the Four Seasons Hotel before the shoot and asking him so respectfully… to try and answer the questions as though he was speaking to a high school student that had not taken chemistry and physics… he smiled and understood. The interview that we will now re-release (that was already in progress) turned out to be so amazing and so insightful – Ernesto so truly got it! He understood every aspect of coffee and retail… but most of all life. He is that rare individual and no one person can ever fill the void he now leaves.

Over the past couple of years I have thought so many times how I wish I could have just one more hour in the presence of this man… and I worried that news such as today’s would come in and I would know this now… will never happen. So I just am thankful and so appreciative that I did have the honor to have the time that I did have and count that as a blessing.

The last time we were together was when we were both speaking in Boca at the NCA convention. On the final evening waiting together in the large lobby outside the room our dinner was to take place… he ask me if I could work it out so that we sat together for the gala dinner. Each time something like this happened I would be so humbled and almost shocked that someone I held in the highest esteem in some small way considered me his friend.

None of us know what the future afterlife brings but I pray somewhere someday he and I can have a great espresso together. Dr illy – I will miss you so.

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Comment by Ginger Gerhart on February 23, 2008 at 3:30pm
Nice evening last night guys. Thanks for putting it on. Dr Illy would've loved it, no doubt :)!
Comment by HENRY HUECK on February 13, 2008 at 7:14am
Good Morning...I had the pleassure of sharing a few words with Mr. Illy in Boston SCAA and also at SINTERCAFE, where I had a chance to see him and hear a great presentation of the intrinsicacies of coffee and the molecules and how evrything works...We here in Nicaragua have been trying for him to visit and be with us during the Ramacafe conference...we regret his death and our prayers are with his family...To Ing. Luca Turello , Ana, and the rest of the family...To coffee people all over the world is a great lost...but as someone else said, we honored him working for quality at the farm level , with cleanliness...with pride at what we do best alll trough the supply chain. Henry
Comment by Ginger Gerhart on February 10, 2008 at 10:07am
What a wondeful tribute Bruce! We have all been impacted by the treasure of knowledge Dr Illy left behind, even as is seen through all you do. Thanks for keeping that torch going Bruce!
Comment by Danny on February 8, 2008 at 7:14am
I am saddened to see a man who left such an indelible mark on the coffee industry, passed away. Everyday, as I serve Illy coffee at Geek Terminal and receives people's happy smiles over the coffee served, it brings to remembrance of this man who made the start of the day so wonderful.
Comment by Kendra Aanestad on February 7, 2008 at 8:08am
We've been proudly serving illy at our little shop since 1993, and it has always been my dream to meet Papa Bean... even though I never knew him personally, he will be greatly missed by us. We are dedicating next week as "Dr. Illy Week" to honor him.
Comment by Dan Welch on February 5, 2008 at 10:47pm
Chuck Jones once asked to speak at a SCAA show for a panel on family businesss. I said sure i'll catch Dr. Illy's talk at another show. Chuck said no way...you should go hear him speak. I did and am forever inspired by him, his passion and greatfull for the legacy that will remain for us all to benefit from. Thank you Dr. Illy.
Comment by al critzer on February 5, 2008 at 3:35pm
I was extremely fortunate to have worked for illycaffe for a number of years. Meeting Dr. illy on several occasions literally changed my life, and set me on this incredible journey in search of excellent coffee.
Not much makes me cry, but....al
Comment by Jason Dominy on February 5, 2008 at 5:47am
One thing is for sure, his work will go on forever. I know our owner thought very highly of Mr. Illy, and patterned, and still does, our espresso on his methods of roasting espresso. That name gets thrown around alot in this building, and I know it will for years to come. He will be missed, his work will go on.
Comment by Instaurator on February 5, 2008 at 3:33am
I genuinely admired Dr Illy's genius with espresso; his scientific approach which was always tied to taste and his wonderful artistic and business sense. The staff espresso bar in Illy HQ is one of the coolest bars I have seen anywhere in the world. He should be a great inspiration to us all and he was refreshingly humble.
Comment by Stuart Lee Archer on February 5, 2008 at 2:52am
Hear, hear!

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