Western Regional Barista Competition - the website is live!

I'm pleased to announce that we (Pacific Bay Coffee Co. & Micro-Roastery) will be hosting the 2008 WRBC the Gaia Arts Center in Berkeley, CA , March 28-30.

In addition to the competition special events include:

  • Pre-Competition Training on March 1st with WRBC Home Girl Heather Perry, Coffee Klatch, 2007 USBC Champion & 2nd place, 2007 World Barista Championship. Co-hosted by Barefoot Coffee Roasters, Saturday, March 1, 9am-5pm, at Pacific Bay Coffee's Roastery, Berkeley, limited seating, register now.
  • 2008 Emcees: The barista community’s own Sarah Allen of Barista Magazine & Jana Oppenheimer of Franke Coffee Systems will emcee. They will be playing some games of their own with the audience and I'm sure, provide lots of laughs during the event.

  • Special Awards (in addition to the top six overall finalists)

o Best Espresso Award will be given to the barista receiving the highest score with the highest score on their espresso

o Best Signature Drink Award will be given to the barista receiving the highest score on their specialty beverage

o Most Promising Newcomer will be given to the first time competitor with the highest overall score.

o The Barista’s Barista Award - Competitors will vote for the most beloved competitor who has been the friendliest and most helpful during the competition weekend.

  • The 4th & Clover Machines – showcasing regional roasters coffees. Competitors and WRBC standards trained baristas will demonstrate their skills by preparing free espresso and cappuccino throughout the weekend. New this year, Clover will serve single cup brewed coffee from participating roasters on the Clover machine. Limited edition WRBC 2008 3 & 6 oz collector cups will also be available. All tips from the 4th Machines & Clover will be donated to Coffee Kids. Roasters – reserve your time slot now, first come first serve!

  • Crafting Espresso, a Roaster’s Perspective presented by Mike Perry, Klatch Roasting & John Laird, Pacific Bay Coffee Co. & Micro-Roastery, Friday 9:30 am

  • Coffee: What Makes it Taste that Way presented by Kenneth Davids, Coffee Review, Saturday 9:30 am

  • Specialty Coffee Association of America’s Sensory Skills Class & Test presented by Joseph Rivera, Director of Science & Technology, SCAA Saturday 10:30 am & 2 pm. Register now- limited seating, first come first serve.

  • The History of Barista Competitions presented by Sarah Allen, Barista Magazine. Sunday, 1pm ish, while the finalist scores are being calculated

  • Welcome Reception/Smackdown – Fri. March 28 at Pacific Bay Coffee Co.'s Roastery in Berkeley – details TBD

  • Saturday Night Party, March 29, Ritual Roasters in San Francisco – details TBD (the local subway, BART is ½ block from the WRBC venue The Gaia Arts Center in Berkeley and 3 blks from Ritual in San Francisco)

  • WE NEED VOLUNTEERS - Sign up forms will be available on the website in the coming weeks. In the meantime, you can also send me a email and I'll happily add you to the list and give you more information. info@wrbc2008.com

Who is coming? Who is competing?

More details can be found on the website: Western Regional Barista Competition

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