cutsomers, do we really need them?

Apart for them buying the coffee (which pays for the coffees, rent, utilities, my paycheck, and sometimes they may even tip), what else do they do?

I know for a fact we try to put some (I am an at beast eager to say mine is meager) latte art on their drinks, which they just cap it, chug it, and give us a near look in the eye like they even noticed it was coffee.

Why is there art? I like art, I am an artist (not a latte artist, mind you), but i can draw stick figures, and round circle like things. I can even write pretty.


see, talented is as talented does.

I appreciate the appreciator, so, when a customer comes and shows they are an enthusiast, it makes me smile a bit. Adds a bit of pride to the day full of the others.

happy is the day when the buzz buzz of the joe is zubb-zubbin.

(forgive, I just read a Dr Seuss book)

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