Because of our friendship with our attorney,
Robert Stolle, my Dad and I were invited to a private luncheon last week with
Ted Kulongoski, the Governor of Oregon.
About 12 other people attended and we all participated in about two hours of heart-to-heart political discussion. It was very interesting to be able to ask the Governor questions, and we discussed many issues including immigration, transportation and the forecast for population growth in PDX, health care and of course the upcoming Oregon primary.
Our host, Robert, is not just any attorney — he is world famous for various cases he has tried over the years. We feel very lucky to have him represent us. On the friendship side, Robert stops in for an espresso from time to time, and recently we hosted him and a number of judges and attorneys at ABC’s for box lunch and a two-hour coffee training.
Even more amazing... Governor Kulongoski asked us if we would give him a tour of our school and a crash course on coffee. He was SO interested in coffee, and we must have talked coffee with him for 20 minutes after the lunch was finished. It is so cool to see someone so passionate about coffee, who you may never expect. This beverage and industry is so important to so many people, not just those of us who work in it.
He was a very sincere, intelligent, personable and real person and I feel lucky to have had this opportunity, in fact we are invited to go back next month! :)
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