June's Informal Barista Jam Recap with Pics!

We had our fourth Arabica Labrica Barista Jam last Sunday, and it was again a success. We had about 12 people, representing four different coffeehouses, including the youngest barista I have ever seen in action, 14 year old Dylan from BacInTyme Coffee in Fort Mill, SC. Dylan was a joy to watch, and was also one-half of the winning team in the Iron Tamper competition. It will be great to watch this kid grow in his skills with time. It's also great he's started so young!

Last night's Barista Jam was alot of fun, and if you haven't made it to one yet, you are missing out! The practical things we went over last night were "How Not To Have To Replace Your Grouphead Gaskets," as well as tamping pressure 101, in which we utilized a scale to see what our tamps were, and where they should be. Most people were surprised at what their tamp pressure was, and a few have something new to work on. Tamp pressure is such an important part of the shot-making process, it's important to fully understand it. And none of like replacing grouphead gaskets, and although they do need to be replaced from time to time, there are ways to increase the life of them, and that's what we looked at last night.

The Iron Tamper competition was still a blast, and remains one of the most popular pieces of the Barista Jam. Last night's theme was "Spice," and featured these Secret Ingredients: Nutmeg, Ginger, Anise Seeds, and Cardammon. The winning team was made up of Dylan from BacInTyme, and Emily from Heck Yeah Coffee Hub here in Charlotte. The other teams made noble efforts, but in the end Dylan and Emily came out on top! I should also mention that Dylan and Emily finished their drink and presented it to the judges in 5 minutes. Crazy!
Winning Team

After the Iron Tamper competition, the "jam" part began. We poured latte art, and practice the techniques of pouring latte art. This is always fun, as well! I have posted pics of last night's Barista Jam here: http://gallery.mac.com/jasonandapril#100183&view=carouseljs&...
Next month's Barista Jam will be held Sunday, July 20th at 6pm, here at the Dilworth Roastery. Go ahead and put it on your calendar! You don't want to miss it!

We are holding our monthly coffee cupping next Friday, June 20th at 10am, here at the Dilworth Coffee Roastery. We will be looking at the three growing regions, and learning how to identify each one. These are always fun, and spaces fill fast, so let me know if you are coming, as there are only 12 spots. You can R.S.V.P. here: http://www.facebook.com/editevent.php?eid=16653962529#/event.php?ei...
This is a reminder that I have created an Arabica Labrica facebook site, that is totally FREE, and is where all the upcoming events and details are posted, as well as pictures and events from previous events! There's also a place for discussions, and this is a great place to network with other people in our area that are doing the same thing we are! I highly recommend hopping on, many of you have already done it, and I know it's a great place for a more involved community builder!

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