Coffee Shop Pairings: 4 Healthy Additions for Satisfied Customers

As people look for healthier options when out and about, coffee shops must keep up with the needs of customers. In addition to the popular muffins and croissants, coffee shops can offer more satisfying snacks and meals. Here are four healthy foods coffee shops can add to keep customers satisfied.

Fruit and Fruit Smoothies

Cups of mixed fruit are a coffee shop staple, but this can be taken to the next level. Fruit smoothies are becoming more popular, with healthy add-ins like protein powder or fiber. Avoid added sugar by using banana or other sweet fruits as a natural sweetener. Blending in spinach adds a healthy boost without affecting the taste.

Healthy Sandwiches and Bread

Sandwiches can be full of nutrients and lower in calories if done the right way. For breakfast, opt for egg white sandwiches with low-fat cheese and organic bread. Some companies, such as Klosterman Baking Company, realize that the benefits of organic bread are numerous. It has fewer preservatives and additives and is more nutrient dense than its non-organic counterparts. Organic bread comes in many varieties, like flaxseed, whole wheat, and sprouted wheat. These can complement any sandwich. It can also be served alone for a healthy snack. Offering customers organic breads will make them feel confident they are getting the healthiest parings with their coffee.


Visits to the coffee shop don’t always have to be for breakfast. Fresh salads can lure in the lunch crowd. The more greens and vegetables, the healthier the salad. For additional protein, add a hard-boiled egg or beans, depending on the flavor of the salad. Keep dressings lower fat. Vinaigrettes are always a healthier choice than creamy dressings like ranch or Caesar. A southwest salad with salsa instead of dressing is healthy yet flavorful. A Greek salad is another healthy, flavorful choice.


For a dairy choice, yogurt can be a healthy offering. Yogurt, especially Greek varieties, can make for a high protein, low-fat snack. As with the fruit smoothies, be careful about added sugars. To keep it low-sugar and natural, sweeten only with honey or stevia. Better yet, keep it plain and allow customers to add their own fruit, sweetener, or granola.

Gone are the days when muffins and croissants are the only food coffee shops are expected to serve. There are so many more options available now, and adding a variety of healthy options will bring customers in and encourage them to stay for a meal.

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Comment by Fraser Jamieson on November 3, 2017 at 12:11pm

Nice post. 

Shared it on one of my Facebook pages. 


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