Making your own Masala Chai, is it worth it?

Just mixed up another 5LB of my chai blend. Quality tea and spices are expensive! Or so it seems when buying all the ingredients. Is it worth it? Besides customers raving is it really worth it bottom line!

Crunched the numbers using my wholesale selling price of $25 for 400g Brewed makes 4 half gallons concentrate, my suggested mix 1:1 milk, soy etc. So 2 gallons milk ~$6. Honey and dark cane sugar when brewing ~$3. Makes four gallons of lattes. Total cost for 4 gallons chai lattes $34. 4 gallons equals 72 8oz lattes. . ToGo setup ~$0.10x72=$7. Now total cost $41. I sell 8oz chai latte for $3 = $216 - 41 = $175 net on initial $25 expense, not too bad at all

And of course my cost as the wholesaler making the blend is lower, more like $13 per 400g not $25, so for me buying it from myself makes that $185 net. (Cost of overhead, labor etc. excluded of course)

Yeah, I think it financially makes sense to make kick ass chai rather than use mass marketed gaggingly sweet where's the tea and spices anyway drivel like Oregon in the box on the shelf...

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Comment by Mike McGinness on March 11, 2010 at 4:50pm
The 'net of course! Three different sources...

I hadn't done a OC price comparison, haven't bought any of that stuff in close to 3 years. But hell, even if a kick ass prod was 24cents MORE per 2 gallon it'd be worth it IMO.

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