Posted by: Stephen Bybee, SCC Roaster

I've just had a cup, or maybe three, of our new Fair Trade Organic Sumatra, an absolutely delightful new crop offering from a relatively new fair trade coop in Sumatra. Stone Creek usually purchases our Fair Trade Organic Sumatra from the PPKGO coop in the Gayo mountain region of northern Sumatra, but this time we are trying out a Mandheeling offering from the KBQB coop in the Aceh province of northern Sumatra. When I initially cupped this coffee back in January, I was so astounded by its complex fruit and berry flavors that I put it directly on the top of my list of coffees to purchase for our February order. Once it arrived at our roastery we were so eager to taste it that we were counting the days until our old supply of Organic Sumatra was depleted. It was well worth the wait, and this coffee has been so impressive that I have already begun booking a large supply for our next shipment...right now it is the most sought after take home coffee for everybody working here at the roastery, and hopefully our retail customers will soon notice how delicious this coffee really is. As far as my cupping notes go on this offering, I would describe the aroma as a rich, sweet bouquet of berry and syrup, complemented by a hint of carmel. In the cup I find it to be a hefty coffee with a rich, extremely balanced body and taste. Some of the flavors I encountered during cupping were hints of sweet red apple, subtle notes of chocolate and delicate shades of sweet carmel. During every sip of this coffee I was for some reason constantly reminded of the act of eating a deliciously prepared steak, perhaps a filet mignon at medium well. The finish is extremely clean, and the acidity is fairly mild despite the vibrant flavor and exotic aroma.

You should try this one out for yourself...pick up a pound in Our Stores or purchase it Online.

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