SCAE SPAIN - Coffee Championships - looking for sponsors

Campeonatos de España de Café 2010


Qualifiers for the WBC – World Barista Championship in London 2010

The most important event for baristas in Spain is approaching - El Campeonato de España de Café – Baristas y Catacafé (Spanish Coffee Championships – Baristas and Cupping) . The event will take place in Zaragoza
and we will face the following competition:

30th April 2010

Regional Cup Tasters Championship in Zaragoza-CATACAFÉ

Regional Barista Championship in Zaragoza

01st of May 2010

Big Final – Cup Tasters Championship of Spain - CATACAFÉ

Big Final – Spanish Barista Championship

Furthermore Latte Art Shows will be organized in order to introduce the future Latte Art Championship taking place next year.

The Champs will represent Spain at the World Barista Championships in London. They will have to face the champs of more than 70 different countries during the Caffe
Culture Event 2010 in London – fair related to coffee world.

We need your help! To be able to run the events in Zaragoza and to promote them at a max – sponsors, judges, volunteers, etc. A limited space for exhibition tables will be
available in the championship hall and in pre-entrance hall for all companies
asking for it in order to exhibit their products.
You can also be a sponsor of:

Green Coffee

Roasted coffee


Water filters


Expresso machines



Filter machines

Chocolate, sugar

Accessories – for baristas

Aprons, Caps




Other ways of sponsorhips could be – sponsoring the cocktail during the awards hand over, Coffee to be served to the audience, the Latte art Show, etc. Just feel
free to make your offer.

All companies involved in this wonderful Coffee world should have the same opportunities, therefore an electronic auction will take place to. Once this
auction is over, the results will be at the disposal of all companies looking
for a sponsorhip.

Should you be interest in participating at this great event, please get in touch with us and we will inform you about all details and about the media information we’re preparing.

Thanks in advance and we look forward to hearing from you.


Asociación sin ánimo de lucro

Tel.+34 931844308Mail.

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