Mary Zeiser
  • Female
  • San Francisco, CA
  • United States
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Mary Zeiser's Page

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Profile Information

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, entrepreneur
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
San Francisco, CA
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
About Me:
Mary Zeiser was born and raised in Los Angeles 1989. She moved away from home at the kinder age of 14. She was titled the Safe School Embassador at Apollo. Before dropping out of high school, Mary joined the Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, completing boot camp at Area 11 and earning Meritorious Achievement Award, the highest award obtainable in the program. In her early years, she found herself working with Habitat for Humanity, successfully building a home in Simi Valley with a team of volunteers for an underprivlaged family. In 2006 after graduating from rehab for drug abuse, she quickly began persuing the Specialty Coffee Industry at full force. Ms.Zeiser worked for Starbucks for 3 1/2 years climbing the corperate ladder and earning Partner of the Quarter. She was certified as a coffee and tea master, high volume specialist, and Espresso Excellence Facilitater in 2006. The first vacation she ever took was to complete AIDS Lifecycle, a 545mi bicycle ride from San Francisco to LA in 2008 while raising $5,025.50 to donate to the LA Gay and Lesbian Center. A director casted her in Saosin's music video, Voices aired on MTV. Mary became a lead coordinator for The American Foundation of Suicide Prevention, while simultaniously serving on as staff to organize logistics for the Models of Pride Gay Youth Convention. She played a lead role in the Sunrise Rotary Club before turing 18, planning and developing structure within the organization. Mary began working for a non-corperate wholesale coffee roasting facility which went under shortly after the economic downfall. She quickly drafted a business plan with dreams of opening her own cafe in the same location, but decided she wanted more from life than that. Mary took an opportunity to work elbow to elbo with some of the best in the coffee industry as an entreprenuer for a coffee conglomerate in North Hollywood, CA. Feeling risky and adventurous, she left that perfect job in LA and moved to SF in persuit of bigger and better things. Mary currently resides a block from the shore of the Pacific Ocean and Golden Gate Park. She hopes to re-enter the cafe-lifestyle as a professional barista again and compete in the World Barista Championship of 2011 held in Colombia.

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