I hate it when people order nonfat, sugar-free, decaf anything...

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What about people who order it due to health reasons? For example, some people are diabetic so they order SF. Some others are allergic to caffeine so they have to have decaf. Not to sound rude in any way, but saying you "hate" it when people order that way is a little harsh to those who have to order that way. Just something to keep in mind to help better understand that many order for health.
I agree to some extend with Krystal, but then again... why order something that is definitely not the real thing because of your health... Then just don't order coffee. There are many other nice drinks.

Furthermore, most people who I know that order decaf-non-fat-sugar-free-bla-bla are NOT people who are allergic or have health issues.... They are just people who do not understand coffee but are going with the crowd in drinking coffee because it is popular.

(or have I gone too far in my comments and offended people, which was not my intention)
Not wanting to sound like a smart ass but if they order that isn't it because they like it that way? for whatever reason (health reasons etc). I understand the purity aspect of the espresso but the customer pays the bills..even if it is with a warm, semi sweet, milkish drink...maybe I'm over simplifying it?
No, you're right, Rob... BUT, isn't it also the 'obligation' of the baristas to educate the world about coffee and how it is supposed to taste???
I agree with trying to educate customers about the vast world of coffee but I'll choose to do it by serving the best product I can and when someone asks for my opinion - I'm more than happy to give it. Not everyone wants to be educated right away...I'm happy if they keep coming back and telling people where to get a fantastic cup and eventually asking me why my coffee is so much better than the chain down the street. Just the way I look at it and the way I see the community that I'm located in. We'll all have different approaches.
What is so wrong about ordering non-fat, sugar free, and decaf? If it's so horrible, the why do we all offer it. The people at order those drinks are the ones we should love the most...especially the decaf drinkers. There are so many other options as someone pointed out, but they chose coffee and they chose to get if from our shops. They're drinking our decaf drinks because they enjoy the taste, not for the caffeine or any other reason. We should put these people on a pedistal and treat them like real people too.
Let me go and rant for a moment: "No way, if you work in a coffee/espresso shop you serve coffee/espresso... So people should order this. If you serve these decaf-non-fat-sugar-free-bla-bla drinks, you shouldn't say that you sell coffee, because it is NOT coffee."

That's the ranting for now.....

Anyway, I understand you need to run a business, and if these drinks are adding to the sales then what the heck, sell it. At home I can educate all my friends, and I do NOT serve the bla-bla drinks at home.
Leaving the other stuff out for a second, what do you have against decaf? If treated properly, a quality decaf can be a great cup of COFFEE. Yes, it is actually still coffee.

I honestly wish more people would drink our decaf... which is very good. Then there would be less waste involved in offering it and I could offer more varietals.

I'm pretty comfortable serving a drink with any one of the above modifiers but when you get all three in the same drink... yeah, that one is a challenge to make taste good.
Okay, decaf the least of the evils ;) but then again there are a lot of people who get headaches from decaf. The chemical to remove the caffeine is the responsible element in that.

And also, people do not realize that there is (relatively) very little caffeine in espresso based drinks. There is more caffeine in a cup of tea compared to an espresso. This in contrast to drip-coffees, which have a lot of caffeine.

Anyway, the sugar-free-not-fat-bla-bla (notice the decaf is gone Brady) is the very worst of it all.

Arno Kamphuis said:
Okay, decaf the least of the evils ;) but then again there are a lot of people who get headaches from decaf. The chemical to remove the caffeine is the responsible element in that.

And also, people do not realize that there is (relatively) very little caffeine in espresso based drinks. There is more caffeine in a cup of tea compared to an espresso. This in contrast to drip-coffees, which have a lot of caffeine.

Anyway, the sugar-free-not-fat-bla-bla (notice the decaf is gone Brady) is the very worst of it all.

Uhm, they use water to process beans to decaffeinate them, and there are other chemical processes, but those are very volatile, and wouldn't survive roasting. The headaches are from caffeine deprivations. There is a really good reason the Excedrin (tm) has a bunch of caffeine in them.
And decaf is god's way of allowing you to still enjoy coffee when you've reached your daily limit of caffeine. As little as a doppio has in it, three in a day is all I can have. With decaf, I can still have a nice cappu and get on with it.
Low fat is another thing that I have to look after. My doc says, even though I've cut out most chees, eggs, and milk, red meat, chocolate, cream, whipped and otherwise, I still have an increasing cholesterol level. Are you saying that, given a choice of having a coffee that is good for you or not having a coffee, you would, and could, really just walk away? Sugar is another issue, especially for me. I think that anything that sugar does to you is tame by comparison with the other chemicals they add instead, but that's just me.
Lowfat, non-fat, sugar-free, and decaf are a sure method to keep customers that would otherwise go get something else. If you have too many customer, go right ahead and take those off your menu. Those folk won't order those anymore, and everybody's happy 'cept the banker.
Now, the candy bar that drowns a doppio in a quart of other fat-free, sugar-free, and caffeine free products, that I don't understand.
If that is what you were referring to, ya needs ta clarify a touch. If you really don't like folk that order their drinks customised to fit their wants and needs, Starbucks is hiring button pushers for their new computerised superautos.
I don't mind the decaf/nonfat/sugarfree so much as the 2%/half-caf/extra hot/no-foam/20oz latte, but that too I can understand. I had a customer last week who ordered an extra hot no foam latte, and when there was a tiny bit of foam on top of the drink (my mistake) she told me she ordered it that way because she had "a bad experience with foam" that had "a funky aftertaste" at Sbux. I explained (patiently, I hope) that the barista had probably burnt the milk in an attempt to make it extra hot for her, and that the "funky aftertaste" probably had nothing to do with the foam and everything to do with burnt milk. She agreed!

Instead of hating on these customers (quiet grumblings to my co-workers aside), I jump on any opportunity to explain how much less caffeine spro has compared to drip, to turn people on to capps with whole milk, or to describe how much better a smaller size latte can be in terms of spro/milk ratio and temperature retention. I think that with a little patient education, these super-picky customers will realize that at YOUR establishment, their drink is in good, well-trained, trustworthy hands, and they'll start to like specialty coffee like we like it, but on their own terms!

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