Any shops out there offering only one cup size for take away?

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we have been in business 7 years and only offer 1 size, 16oz hot 20 oz. cold. we are in a resort area and it has not been an issue. we are about to open a second shop in a year round area which has a starbucks and a saxbys both within 1 block from where we will be. I thought about offering 2 sizes but decided against it. I figure stick to what i know works for us and keep it simple. We open in 3 weeks i will let you know if it is an issue. i dont expect it to be. we shall see.
good luck
I currently offer 12, 16, 20 oz hot cups but only a 16 oz cold cup. I can get a better deal buying volume for cups and it would seem to be easier to buy one size. I sell medium size 4 -1 compared to the other sizes. I was wondering if customers would be upset.

We offer several sizes, but for latte's and cappu's we've decided to not offer a large size. Heck, even a 16 oz is stretching it. We are going to scale back and sell an 8 oz cappu, and a 12 and 16 oz latte with the same number of shot. 

As far as drip coffee, we may continue to offer a large, but if people try to demand large latte's because of it, then we will just stop carrying large cups. lol

I don't work the bar often but it seems like asking what size the customer wants slows down the process significantly. Most people get confused and need to see how the numbers translate visually. Then 9 times out of ten they want a medium.

At Spro, we use one cup size for different drinks. 8z to go for capps, 12z for most drinks and 16z clear for cold beverages.

Why 12 oz? Do you get any requests for a bigger sizes?

I don't really know the reason behind it, but some instructors at Counter Culture told me that was how you do it. And seeing as CC is awesome, I'm going with it. Personal opinion though? If you use a high quality espresso with a high quality dairy, it's not logical to make a huge size. who really wants to drink 14 oz of milk, and secondly, who wants to pay 8 bucks for a cafe latte? 

Good espresso is like 9.25+ a pound, and awesome milk is usual double the price per gallon. That, plus considering trained barista's to pull out the best qualities of both and then combine them superbly. This is my ultimate goal as a coffee shop owner. We aren't there yet. Our town isn't there yet. But it's where I want us to be.


I'm a huge a fan of you and Nick on Portafilter Podcast. I found em a few months ago and have been listening to them. Learned lots. :D Nick just did another one I think last month. Are you going to make anymore cameo's?

Jay Caragay said:

At Spro, we use one cup size for different drinks. 8z to go for capps, 12z for most drinks and 16z clear for cold beverages.

The "only make small cappuccinos" thing is because unlike many of our beverages, there is a very specific definition for this drink. 5.5-6 oz is the size of the appropriate cup, though I think the Italian spec specifies volume of milk to be steamed, not finished milk. Yes, their spec calls for a single, but with the espresso that most of us use a double does a nicer job of producing the balance most of us are looking for. All this would be irrelevant if this were not a delicious drink though.

You have the right of the "only smaller lattes" thing.

Danny Heiss said:

I don't really know the reason behind it, but some instructors at Counter Culture told me that was how you do it. And seeing as CC is awesome, I'm going with it...

Brady. You are awesome. Thanks!

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