Thought it might be interesting to see what the favorite tamps were out there. I love my reg and use it every day, but I've been flirting with bumper tamps HUGE bases. Any thoughts?

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i have a espressoparts compressore jolly roger tamp with the 58mm convex base. At first it was a bit different to hold after using something like a RB, but I now find it to be the most comfortable tamp I've used. Love it.
I use the expressivo "Barista" tamper, it cost's around $40, made from recycled stainless, and it weighs like 1/2 what other tampers weigh, which I love. It also has a washer that can be added or removed to make it shorter/longer. They are available in lots of sizes, but only in the curved shape. I have noticed less wrist fatigue, because I keep the tamper on top of my grinder, and 300 reps really wears on the list with a heavy tamper. Hope you find one you like!
Hey, does anyone know what's the deal with those custom tapered tamps with the ridges on the bottom? Anyone know what I'm talking about? Where do I get one?
Reg Barber enterprises does the ridge circle tamp base (don't know the official name) and also does the c-flat which is a hybrid convex and flat base

Dave Delchamps said:
Hey, does anyone know what's the deal with those custom tapered tamps with the ridges on the bottom? Anyone know what I'm talking about? Where do I get one?
I think you're referring to he ripple and the c-ripple. If you want an article on it go to this website.

Dave Delchamps said:
Hey, does anyone know what's the deal with those custom tapered tamps with the ridges on the bottom? Anyone know what I'm talking about? Where do I get one?
ooh, i like my bumper tamp way more than i'd expected to...
Oddly enough, this one...

I LOVE my EspressoParts NW EP5s. I have two, one in bowling ball blue acrylic, and one that's wooden with a rosetta inlay in the top. I love the way they feel in my hand, and are perfectly weighted. Everyone I have ever let use it has loved it! baby!

That is odd isn't it? ;)

Troy Reynard said:
Oddly enough, this one...

I just got my expressivo in the mail today. So comfortable!

Jesse -D-> said:
I use the expressivo "Barista" tamper, it cost's around $40, made from recycled stainless, and it weighs like 1/2 what other tampers weigh, which I love. It also has a washer that can be added or removed to make it shorter/longer. They are available in lots of sizes, but only in the curved shape. I have noticed less wrist fatigue, because I keep the tamper on top of my grinder, and 300 reps really wears on the list with a heavy tamper. Hope you find one you like!
Awe yea...

There called the ripple base... reg barber

Dave Delchamps said:
Hey, does anyone know what's the deal with those custom tapered tamps with the ridges on the bottom? Anyone know what I'm talking about? Where do I get one?

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