So I was working at the coffee shop, you know making various beverages and sort of recollecting several conversations I have had with customers over the years and I remembered one particular that needed expounding. I don't want to "over write" this so I will share one event in the hopes of inspiring you all to share yours.
On a particularly touristy day a new face popped into the cafe but this guy was unusually chatty. We're not known to be pretentious barista's who are too cool to morph into character so I engaged with him. When he finally read through the menu out loud he got to the "truffle Mocha" we make with a special ganache and celebrated that request to me almost in's the weird part and maybe where my pride was a little hurt. He came back up to the bar to bestow a compliment, "Wow, this is the best mocha I have ever had! Must be a great machine." Confused, and again just a little hurt I smiled with a "thankyou?" I think back to that and there really is no right way to turn that compliment around. Do I say, "yeah and one good barista too". Does the machine deserve all the credit?
When you go into a great restaurant and the dish is prepared to perfection to you ask for the chef and say, "Wow, great food, you must have one great oven!" or when you mum makes a great pie do you compliment the apples?
I have to say I have never read a restaurant review that credits the equipment for making such innovative dishes.

please share yours,

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A double espresso in a 20oz. to go cup. Two sweet and low's. Put some whip cream in the lid. On the side. I want room for 1/2 and 1/2.
No way... seriously? You charged for a breve right?

I would of charged for the breve...
Sarah, don´t worry, probably that guy was the same who once came and said that my cappuccino was great when the machine was completly "untunned", pulling 20ml of espresso in 35 seconds.

And of course a good barista make a whole difference, but we can't forget the blend, the roastery, the coffee farms, the picking workers, etc etc etc
My favorite request is for a large fat-free, sugar-free decaf with 4 extra shots (all decaf!)
january vawter said:
1 pump = .25 oz



Jesse -D-> said:
to keep myself safe, I'm making it my quest to never learn how much a "pump" is.

That was just twisted!

January, you are my hero.
Being the only true cafe' in a small town, we constantly have to educate the customer. But one of the most frustrating is the woman who ordered 4 shots of espresso over ice and then asked us to fill it with 1/2 & 1/2. When we handed it to her and explained the next time she might just ask for an iced breve, she said "no, if I order it that way I'll have to pay twice as much." Not one of our favorite customers, to say the least!!!
I take everything nice I ever said about you back. Life will never be the same.

january vawter said:
1 pump = .25 oz



Jesse -D-> said:
to keep myself safe, I'm making it my quest to never learn how much a "pump" is.
Gross! They know that there is caffine in there right?

Michael Heward said:
My favorite request is for a large fat-free, sugar-free decaf with 4 extra shots (all decaf!)
definitely. he came back yesterday when i was just off shift and said "oh, hello" to me. then i heard him order it.

Sarah Dooley said:
is he still a customer of yours? if he is it would be super funny to take a small sip with the signature "slurp" noise you here at cuppings just to add a little drama.

A woman came in a few days ago and watched me pour a double rosetta on top of her latte. After I set the drink down on the counter, she exclaimed, "Oh that's wonderful! Did you do that yourself?"
They come up all the time, but heres one of the good ones.

C: Can I get a latte?
B: Sure, what size?
C: medium
B: okay, for here?
C: yes please...

She then proceeds to sit down and talk to her friends.

B: Medium Latte's ready!
C: is this with soy?
B: no, sorry, did you want soy?
C: yeah, I cant have milk.
B: not a problem, let me remake it for you, it'll just be a second.

B: Soy Latte's ready!
C: Thank you...(takes a sip)... oh, can I get this extra hot?
So of course I remake it... I;m nto about to steam the whole thing.

B: medium extra hot soy latte ready!
C: Thank you!

sits down and has a few sips... Comes back (very sweetly I might add.)
C: Um, I forgot to ask for decaf....
B: okay.... well.... one second.

I remake it, and shes happy...four drinks later.

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