This is a spinoff from another topic.

When do you clean your espresso machine?
What does that mean at your shop?

How often do you:
Backflush with water
Backflush with PuroCaf, Caffezia, whatever
Soak yer portafilters

Just curious.

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after every shot. ;)

this should be an interesting thread.
After watching the below video, I keep my porta filters in the freezer. I find in doing this, any coffee that has built up on them, once frozen, simply cracks off them and there is no need to scrub them.....

Do you need to back flush a machine?
I try to Back Flush with Water after every major rush.

For the most part I try to stick to one group unless I need to use a 2nd in a rush. The end of the morning shift is when I soak the portifilter I use more often. While that soaks I have the other one still handy.

I (and the barista I work with) screw off and scrub the filter heads at the end of the morning and closing shifts.
Caffezia only after closing though.

This all sounds standard...
You funny guy!

Dave_G said:
After watching the below video, I keep my porta filters in the freezer. I find in doing this, any coffee that has built up on them, once frozen, simply cracks off them and there is no need to scrub them.....

Do you need to back flush a machine?
We back flush (with water) and clean out portafilers and baskets every hour. We do a solid thorough back flush (with baking soda), portafilter scrub and pallo the fuck out of the group, screens, etc, etc, twice a day. Once at mid shift and once at close.
I always take out the screw/screen before i scrub and backflush with caffiza at night. is this okay? or should I leave it in and just soak them every so often?
oooh baking soda. interesting. is this common or am i completely ignorant?

we back flush with water and use the pallo brush after major rushes and clean thoroughly twice -- once at shift change and once at close.

we only soak spouts and pfs every so often. if you keep 'em clean daily anyway and scrub 'em well, soaking them every day seems unnecessary and like a waste of rinse.
During busy days I'll find time to backflush with purocaf three times a shift (beginning, middle, end), and I do my best to brush and clear-backflush the heads as much as possible. My goal is to keep the shower screens 'raining' instead of pouring down the center.

That video was hilarious, by the way.
You really don't need to use the detergent until the end of the night. Just use a clear water back flush on the live bar, and brush the hell out of the group. You don't want to risk getting the dtergent in somones drink...yuck! I know you guys do an awesome job of rinsing but it still seems excessive.

Aaron McNany said:
During busy days I'll find time to backflush with purocaf three times a shift (beginning, middle, end), and I do my best to brush and clear-backflush the heads as much as possible. My goal is to keep the shower screens 'raining' instead of pouring down the center.

That video was hilarious, by the way.
just do the back flushing every end of the shift, as often you want, after busy time,use detergent on the closing time..just to keep it sure that there's no burnt ground coffee on your shower head..
Bf with oxyclean at the end of the night and soak the Pf in oxyclean at the end of the night too.
Bf with water at least once an hour or after making so many spro.
Wipe down the machine when it's slow.
Time to lean=time to clean
That's a good point, Jesse - I am often afraid of purocafe remaining in the machine. I have thought it at least necessary between shifts, but perhaps we should rethink even that. We've been having so much buildup behind the waterscreens though...perhaps morning crew will just have to step up the cleaning.

Jesse -D-> said:
You really don't need to use the detergent until the end of the night. Just use a clear water back flush on the live bar, and brush the hell out of the group. You don't want to risk getting the dtergent in somones drink...yuck! I know you guys do an awesome job of rinsing but it still seems excessive.

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