I got this crazy notion to start a Facebook page for my coffeehouse, once it's open, and using the Facebook to announce specials, maybe passwords that get a 5% discount on something, updates, etc. Lots of the kids, and the parents too, I guess, use FB and would most likely add the shop as a friend. That way, there is instantaneous notification of any status change.

I see nothing but an upside here, other than having to keep the page updated.

Anyone else tried something similar?

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Yeah I have seen a few coffee shops/roasters use facebook. Seems like they get a good response on FB. I think that any free advertising is always good advertising!
We've been doing this for a month or two now. It has been a nice way to communicate the coffees of the day and specials. It has been a pretty nice addition, but a bit challenging to keep updated... we're behind now. What I'd suggest is that you figure out a time that you can update it every day so that visitors can depend on finding information there. Make sure you advertise your facebook side very well inside the shop so that you get a good following. Good luck.
We have a rogue page. Someone started it with our name and we can't figure out who did it....weird. We use twitter with pretty good results though.
You know, you might want to create this prior to open and put a sign on your door during construction. This way people that stopped by during upfit can go there to see updates on your progress... might help create buzz about your open. Maybe even have a little pre-open bash for your friends and Facebook Fans?

Incidentally, most of our Facebook fans are in their 30s, at least. Not just for the kids anymore.

Just some thoughts.
Good Idea Brady.

Brady said:
You know, you might want to create this prior to open and put a sign on your door during construction. This way people that stopped by during upfit can go there to see updates on your progress... might help create buzz about your open. Maybe even have a little pre-open bash for your friends and Facebook Fans?

Incidentally, most of our Facebook fans are in their 30s, at least. Not just for the kids anymore.

Just some thoughts.
Great idea. We started a fb page just a few months ago and it's brought nothing, but positive advertising for us especially considering we're two blocks from the 2nd largest university in WI. People seem intrigued to check out the pictures of latte art or upcoming concerts/art show notifications. I love the idea of having special "coupon codes" as well. Keep us posted on how it turns out.
That was as good idea Brady had about advertising your Facebook page (and I'd add Twitter) before opening so that people could check out the progress leading up to opening. I think services like Facebook and Twitter really create a sense of belonging to something for those that follow. Twitter is a really big deal now and there are tons of folks in our (3) college town that use Twitter. My plan is to get customers to follow me on Twitter (already started this and I'm months out) at www.twitter.com\Zeteocoffee .

I noticed a new chicken restaurant in town the other day drummed up business by having a service that you can text a keyword to and then you're signed up to receive their promotional announcements or 1 day coupons or whatever. I figure they pay for this service most likely but you could essentially do the exact same thing with Twitter. Once people are following you on Twitter (which is free) you can blast a message out to all those people at one time. Then if they bring their phone in, show you the message or code or whatever, you give them the discount or whatever you're advertising. When we showed up to the restaurant the line was out the door and the dining area was full due to people bringing these in. Now, in our case, we hadn't signed up for the notices ourselves and one of our friends had forwarded us the message with the promo on it. The restaurant didn't honor ours because it hadn't come directly from their service so what did we do? Yep, we ordered anyway and paid full price cause we were there. I know I know.... it's stupid but it was a lesson in what people's tendencies will usually be.

Wow, that was a long winded thought. Hope that all made sense.
bX has a Facebook Page. :)
When we were close to opening our coffeehouse across the street from a college, we started a facebook page specific to the location. We invited a few people to join to get the ball rolling, but then posted an invitation to a "facebook VIP party". The only way to find out about the preopening party was to join our group or know someone who joined the group. Word spread pretty quickly.

We use the page for promotions and events and have over 300 members.
OK, for those that have a Facebook presence, I have two questions...

How many daily hits do you get, on average?
Have you considered or done paid ads on Facebook? If you have, do you feel this was a good idea?

FB can really build a sense of community within you customer family. Connections can be made and once your customers invite their friends to your page...instant free advertising!
Twitter is a great way to promote urgent specials such as you just got in a cool new coffee or fresh pastries. Either way, both ways are great avenues to get your message out.
Thanks to all who have joined the bX Facebook Page so far ...

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