It's all over Seattle, and it wasn't as such a few years past. It seems like Cultiva is on top of things, as far as Seattle goes, so be proud. I've cupped in four different locations, with numerous professionals and beginners, the full spectrum of things, within the short time I've had in Seattle.... I cupped 49th, Vita, Victrola, Stumptown, vashur, 30+ CoE El Salvador selections sample roasted by Atlas, and a few other local roasts... and the results? I'm hoping to cup some of these selections on SUNDAY with you all. I'm bringing back a few secret single origins for a blind cupping, and a few espresso blends for blind shots. and then, of course.... reveal and discuss. I also bought a dvd called Cupping 101. It's perfect for baristi and customers who are new to cupping, and most likely everyone at Cultiva who also has some cupping experience.

check this out:

CULTIVA'S CUPPING COURSE. ASAP. Things will start Saturday night. call me about this if you want to participate. Sorry, but it's in fast track mode, due to the CoE Honduran auction, and everyone's different schedules. I want everyone to be able to get through all the stuff before the Honduran samples come, so as everyone has a chance to participate. Don't worry. Items below can be hosted more than once, so if you miss one, please tell me when you CAN do it.

Please read below if you want to participate.

I am in the midst of developing CULTIVA'S completely voluntary cupping certification course. No one is required or expected to come, but if you do, you will learn a great deal of information, become someone who will be on the list of employees who will be able to GET PAID, yes PAID!!! to host Cultiva's cuppings, AND FINALLY....get a cool gift after you've participated in all the activities listed below.

Activities include:
DVD on Cupping (on your own time, or at one of the arranged group viewings at my house) (1.5hrs)
Cupping & Espresso tastings of Seattle's selections on Sunday, June 7th @ Indigo (times listed below) (1hr) Hosted twice on Sunday 7th, morning shift at indigo and evening shift at indigo)

Le Nez du Café: The review (1hr) (call me to arrange a time that works for you)

Cup of Excellence Class: (be ready. this will happen throughout this coming week. call me with your availablities)
(content for the CoE class below)
(2-3hrs total, possibly not everyone together nor everything at once!!)
What is the CoE and how does it work?
The cupping forms: learn to fill them out, calibrate, score, and learn how to bid on CoE coffees.

Honduras 2009 CoE Presentation:
look and help analyze scores taken by Jon and Dallas at the Honduran CoE.
Participate in the 2009 CoE sample cupping of Honduran Coffees. Score and help decide which coffee Cultiva will pursue to purchase. Everything on this list must be completed PRIOR to this participation, due to the nature and importance of the event.

this is about it for now. more to come. call me if you want to volunteer to help organize the class.

As far as the class goes, I will be the only host, except for Dallas on occasions when in concerns COE Honduras. So as the owner and such, please just listen and hold comments so I can get through all this with everyone. Then comment and help advance what are considered the current standards.
On a side note: I will not be covering any SCAA Q-Grading information or any other cupping styles, for example, the SCAA cupping form. I am not trained to do this...yet, although the dvd does cover it, the calibration is something I will not be doing as apart of this class. but we will do CoE calibrations...

Views: 26

Replies to This Discussion

sweet. I will be there on sunday. tuesday i have nothing going on all day so lets do this!


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