Im curious to know what everyone's Favorite brew method would be? Lets say for this conversation we leave out Espresso. Lets stick with other methods. Drip, French Press, Vacuum, Balance Brew, Turkish, Perculator, boiling coffee with egg yokes, whatever. Just curious what different types of brew methods us professionals are using out there. Follow up question, if you have a shop, do you use that method in your shop? As I bring this discussion up I am brewing myself a cup of Tanzanian Peaberry, Bring about 10oz of fresh cool water to about 180
degrees in a cast iron tea pot & pour the water through 2tbsp finely ground coffee in a paper filter straight into a hot heavy mug. Unadulterated & pure. I normally only brew myself coffee 1 cup at a time but if I was brewing more than 1 cup, then I prefer the Vacuum Brewer (I have a Bodum Santos for that) or the Balance Brewer (same basic principal of the Vacuum Brewer but looks cool!)

You also can never go wrong with a good French Press. But for the most part I make my daily cup 1 drip at at time whether it be hand poured or an electric "drip drip". How about you? How do you prefer to wet your daily grind? Happy Brewing,
Bella Caffe

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I haven't tried most of these methods vac/chemex/aero press. I've just had really good results with my french press and single brews. I would really love to try coffee from the clover machine.
I really love French Press coffee the best (other than Espresso). I'm working on an iPhone App for coffee, and I'm having a difficult time finding the "defacto standard" directions for the French Press. I realize baristas have their own little tricks, but is there a standardized industry standard way? Specifically, I'm looking for temperature, coffee/water ratio, and steeping time. I'm also looking for Espresso information, or any other coffee preparation that may involve timing. Any help is appreciated!
Well, I shouldn't say this without checking first, myself; but, I'd suggest looking Bodum's web site for some info.

Back, for a second, to the first post's question: My favourite coffee is from the French Press. Years back, I always made it in an ibrik, after first crushing my coffee in a marble mortis and pestle. It was from that that I developed a taste for coffee grounds. that I'm using a Bodum, I'm grinding my coffee much finer than they suggest. I enjoy the texture of it. Just my personal opinion.

At work, though, we serve only drip and espresso. Drip I can't stand, at least, not often, and never in our shop. Our espresso I enjoy, but only when I make it or when it's made by one of my co-workers. I'm the only one who owns a you can only imagine how bad it is most of the time.

Anyway, Duane, Bodums all come with a spoon and the suggestion of two scoops per American cup or 3 small Euro/Espresso cups. Whatever, I use much much more than that so that the piston can't make it all the way down. Most wouldn't like it that way; Bodum's suggestion makes universally acceptible coffee. As for temp: I use water at about 93 C and have good results with that. Again, check with Bodum.

Good luck on your i-project. Sounds like a great idea.
If I have the time and opportunity, Vac Pot is my #1 preferred method. For single cup brewing, I enjoy my Aeropress.
2 tablespoons coffee per 6 ounces water (comes out to an ~1 ounce or 30 grams weight for 16 ounce french press). Water temperature would be between 195F and 205F. Standard brew time is 4 minutes.

Duane Fahey said:
I really love French Press coffee the best (other than Espresso). I'm working on an iPhone App for coffee, and I'm having a difficult time finding the "defacto standard" directions for the French Press. I realize baristas have their own little tricks, but is there a standardized industry standard way? Specifically, I'm looking for temperature, coffee/water ratio, and steeping time. I'm also looking for Espresso information, or any other coffee preparation that may involve timing. Any help is appreciated!
60 grams of coffee to 1 liter of 195-205 degrees water, steep for for 4 minutes, give it a slow and breif stir after the 1st minute replace lid and let finish, plunge and you're done.

Duane Fahey said:
I really love French Press coffee the best (other than Espresso). I'm working on an iPhone App for coffee, and I'm having a difficult time finding the "defacto standard" directions for the French Press. I realize baristas have their own little tricks, but is there a standardized industry standard way? Specifically, I'm looking for temperature, coffee/water ratio, and steeping time. I'm also looking for Espresso information, or any other coffee preparation that may involve timing. Any help is appreciated!
French Press
Geez, I think for me (and I know this is a huge cop-out) it depends on the coffee and "the day."

If it is something that has tons of body, mild complexity, and I want tons of body, it has to be French press.

If it is something that has mild body, tons of complexity, and I want tons of complexity, it has to be Vac Pot, sometimes Chemex.

I guess the fact that if I want tons of body and tons of complexity I normally reach for a French press means that a French press is my favorite, but I still say I switch "favorite" brew methods way too often for it to be set in stone.

Kayakman, just a heads up, the Bodum Columbia has great thermal stability. As long as you preheat it, it performs very well in the temperature area. Just figured I would throw that one out there.

I have to say that I love the Chemex...

'Nough said! :)
So, how do you all regulate temperature with French press??? You can regulate anything you want with a vac-pot.... French press might be one of the worst ways to make coffee... I mean, it just sits there losing heat...
It certainly does! Isn't that great? I think so!
No, I'm not trying to be a smary here; I'm just saying that when I make coffee with my Bodum, I start off with water at about 93-95 C and after I make it, and let it sit for about 4-5 minutes, it's down to a temperature that I can attempt drinking.
Honestly, for me, the best flavours are appreciated at or below 70 degrees. (I think that's about 160 F)
Just my opinion.

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