I have a Saeco Incanto fully automatic at home (only because it's the one my wife can use) and a la Pavoni PC-16 lever pull at work. I have a Mazzer Mini grinder that runs Illy, Gimme, and Intelligentsia Black Cat espresso through it.

I like my la Pavoni PC-16, but want something that I can pull more frequent espressos from. My issue right now is that I run the la Pavoni dry and have to wait for it to cool down and refill it, then start all over again. (we've recently expanded and hired a few more espresso fans).

So, I'm after a prosumer machine that can pull really amazing, consistent espresso. I'm looking at semi-automatic machines that have a water tank, or can possibly be plumbed. I'd like to target the sub $2500 range. So far I've been considering Expobar, Izzo, and Quick Mill, but I'd be willing to consider something else. I'm really after the best prosumer I can purchase and my barista enthusiast skills are pretty solid.

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Your problem is the Illy coffee you should be using my espresso blend and rotating in the Intelly and Gimme.

I'm not a big fan of the prosumer machines I would suggest a Rancilio Epoca single group.
Jason Shipley said:
Your problem is the Illy coffee you should be using my espresso blend and rotating in the Intelly and Gimme.

I'm not a big fan of the prosumer machines I would suggest a Rancilio Epoca single group.

I'm really looking for recos on machines, not espresso blends. I have espresso blends I like. Intelligentsia being my favorite, followed by Gimme, then Illy. Why are you not a fan of the prosumer machines?
I have a Izzo Alex Duetto 2 (from chriscoffee) and I love it very very much. More than the Rancilio Classe 6 that I have played with many times. The only step up I would go from here is a 1 group Synesso.
The Alex Duetto II is also my number one choice in your price range and stated usage. It can be direct plumbed or use tank simply flicking a lever. H-B user reviews and intensive temp testing indicate it's a rock solid stable consistent performer. I do not have a Duetto but it's on my short upgrade list. (Currently have HX Fiorenzato Bricoletta direct plumbed on kitchen counter.) While I do not believe the Alex Duetto would pull superior shots to the Bric', which is every bit on par in the cup with my Linea's, the Bric' like any HX requires temp surfing. No biggy to hit target shot temp within 0.5f of target once surf mastered (especially with Eric's group digital temp adapter) but a dual boiler would be so much sweeter.

Of course I'd take a GS3 over a Duetto:-)

Luis Zaman said:
I have a Izzo Alex Duetto 2 (from chriscoffee) and I love it very very much. More than the Rancilio Classe 6 that I have played with many times. The only step up I would go from here is a 1 group Synesso.
My issue with the prosumer stuff is durability in your use in an office environment with multiple users.

I love my GS3

You really should try our espresso, Metroplis', Alterra, PT's... you're missing out if you're not exploring all the great stuff on the market.
IMO there's a substantial quality difference between the top level prosumer models versus entry level prosumers like Gaggia or Silvia and especially consumer junk like Saeco, Krups etc. Quite often prosumer models use exact same components as commercial. Big difference is both boiler size and voltage and hence production capability. Even so a smaller boilered (1.5L) 20A 110v HX like my Bric' is capable of non-stop straight shots pulled every 35sec post shot flush and wiggle. Non-stop, as in doesn't fade even running the WBC temp torture testing. What it is not capable of is commercial steam power.

Jason Shipley said:
My issue with the prosumer stuff is durability in your use in an office environment with multiple users.
Jason Shipley said:
My issue with the prosumer stuff is durability in your use in an office environment with multiple users.

I love my GS3

Jason, FYI, next time when someone asks you for a recommendation on a machine, starting off trying to sell them on your espresso line probably isn't the best way to respond. I'd probably be more receptive to try your espresso line if two things happened:
* You actually gave a recommendation for one of the machines I asked about, or suggested an alternative and why
* You follow up with a "Oh, btw, if you're looking for another good espresso blend that's on par w/Intelligentsia, you might try our blend [NameOfYourBlend]." and offered some type of incentive.

My initial reaction was "well, this guys is like a used car salesman. He's not interested in answering my question, just pushing his coffee on me." Just something to think about in the future.

I'm always interested in finding great espresso blends, but the approach you took isn't necessarily one that left me interested.

You really should try our espresso, Metroplis', Alterra, PT's... you're missing out if you're not exploring all the great stuff on the market.
Used car salesman? I was also joking it really is my belief that people should find a great local roaster. I forget that my sense of humor is sometimes not well expressed through my writing. I just couldn't resist throwing you a shot about the Illy, it amazes me that you would put that on par with Black Cat.

ZakiWarfel said:
Jason Shipley said:
My issue with the prosumer stuff is durability in your use in an office environment with multiple users.

I love my GS3

Jason, FYI, next time when someone asks you for a recommendation on a machine, starting off trying to sell them on your espresso line probably isn't the best way to respond. I'd probably be more receptive to try your espresso line if two things happened:
* You actually gave a recommendation for one of the machines I asked about, or suggested an alternative and why
* You follow up with a "Oh, btw, if you're looking for another good espresso blend that's on par w/Intelligentsia, you might try our blend [NameOfYourBlend]." and offered some type of incentive.

My initial reaction was "well, this guys is like a used car salesman. He's not interested in answering my question, just pushing his coffee on me." Just something to think about in the future.

I'm always interested in finding great espresso blends, but the approach you took isn't necessarily one that left me interested.

You really should try our espresso, Metroplis', Alterra, PT's... you're missing out if you're not exploring all the great stuff on the market.
Jason Shipley said:
Used car salesman? I was also joking it really is my belief that people should find a great local roaster. I forget that my sense of humor is sometimes not well expressed through my writing. I just couldn't resist throwing you a shot about the Illy, it amazes me that you would put that on par with Black Cat.

I happen to like Illy for an import espresso. But as I said, it's my number three, behind Gimme and Intelligentsia. It's also about availability. I have to have Intelligentsia and Gimme shipped to me, whereas I can pickup Illy at the local Wholefoods. And all three are better than Lacolomb, which is our local brew here.

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