Hello, So I have been working at this coffee shop since it opened in February. I was told I would make 8.00 an hour and the tips work out to be about an extra dollar an hour. He pulls them all together for the whole week and then splits it that way. We dont get them the day of. But it seems that I am really getting short changed. One day when I was working I saw there was about 14 dollars in the tip basket. That's not including probably around another 15 dollars that we got in credit card tips. That day another worker was there with me and the manager. He worked until about 4. I worked a 6 hour shift. Then the next day I worked a 7 hour shift. When I get to pick up my tips..(which I have to ask for several times because he never offers them or always has an excuse that they aren't ready)
I got like 4.75 for that time. How is this even possible?
It makes me really frustrated. I believe he is taking the rest of the money for himself but how do I approach him about this? Is there a proper way to split tips and how do I resolve this? Id rather not quit because I really love it.

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alright, here's the way we do it in my shop:

first off, we dont pool tips together then split them equally among everyone. why? i believe that defeats the purpose of a tip. if one of the employees does an amazing job and is loved by the customers and makes $40 in one shift then the next person does a mediocre job and only gets $10, then i pooled them and split them, they would each make $25. so the one who did a great job gets rewarded the same as the mediocre one. how is that fair? it isnt in my opinion.

at the end of each shift the tips are counted, then recorded, and instantly pocketed (for credit card tips, they are instantly entered and the cash comes out of the drawer). This happens at the end of every single shift. if two people are working, they tips are split 50/50 at the end of the shift, as it is only fair in my opinion.

maybe this is kinda simplistic but i see it as a no-brainer when handling something as touchy as tips. this way, everyone sees what they're getting, and they get it as soon as they make it. and they get every penny they worked for.

the way its being done in your shop sounds shady. they system should be completely transparent. id speak up or quit.
At our shop we do not pool tips either.
Most of the time we only have 2-3 people running the bar.
When someone leaves or someone new comes on, we dump out the jar, split and pocket the tips.
Because most of our staff are not full time there are not enough tips being made to be recorded.
Yet, on average we make an extra $1 an hour.

Jorge A. Cazares said:
alright, here's the way we do it in my shop:

first off, we dont pool tips together then split them equally among everyone. why? i believe that defeats the purpose of a tip. if one of the employees does an amazing job and is loved by the customers and makes $40 in one shift then the next person does a mediocre job and only gets $10, then i pooled them and split them, they would each make $25. so the one who did a great job gets rewarded the same as the mediocre one. how is that fair? it isnt in my opinion.

at the end of each shift the tips are counted, then recorded, and instantly pocketed (for credit card tips, they are instantly entered and the cash comes out of the drawer). This happens at the end of every single shift. if two people are working, they tips are split 50/50 at the end of the shift, as it is only fair in my opinion.

maybe this is kinda simplistic but i see it as a no-brainer when handling something as touchy as tips. this way, everyone sees what they're getting, and they get it as soon as they make it. and they get every penny they worked for.

the way its being done in your shop sounds shady. they system should be completely transparent. id speak up or quit.

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