Menu Drink & Syrup Distribution Fiasco! Hum...what was I thinking?

Such debate over size and pricing of drinks...I need to order cups for a seating size of 50. I am at a dilemma on what to order, and how many to order...hum The philosophies vary on the size of cup. I am not a believer in the 20 0z bucket size. I was thinking...

Espresso - 2 oz cups~ Cappuccino - 8 oz cups~Latte - 12-16

One shot per cup, no matter the size?
How many cups per size should I order to start out?
What is the average or set standard cost to charge for an Extra Shot of espresso?
One pump of flavor per 12 oz.?

Well barista buddies, I am looking forward to your help

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Hi Dear.
The Espresso cup is a noram one with a special design narrow from bottom and goes up wider,this to help keep the Cream and tempareture of the shot. to order Espresso cup,will need a lot of research and how to order them, Ceramic ones are the best with thick ceramic not any thickness. If you are special in Espresso make sure to get the right one.

Regarding the ceramic cups, me too i do not like the 20oz cup,8 or 10 oz, then 12 then 16 will be great. Make sure the ceramiccups tekes less then the take outpaper cups.

Hope this helps. It is all about art and passion on how to get the cups.
Dawn - This is what we do at our shops:

Espresso cup - 2z
Cappuccino - 6z
Latte - 12z

Two shots per cup, no matter the size
Order as many cups as you can afford. Our initial order for ceramic cups was 60 (and we have an 8 seat joint). They will break and some will walk, plan accordingly.
Cost for a shot of espresso? Depends on your cost for the espresso. Take a pound and divide it by the expected number of servings per pound, then triple the cost for the retail price.
Pump - depends on the size of pump. Some dispense 1/4z, 1/2z or 1z. It's up to you to define your ratio.

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