Hey y'all. I've gotten my hands on a 53-4mm Scace Thermofilter. With my Fluke 54 II Digital Thermometer, this is the xBC designated measurement device used to determine machine and setup qualifications for the xBC competitions. It'll be available for rent as a kit for a short time, as I had ordered a 58mm kit, and this one came instead. Greg Scace is going to be correcting the issue soon, and the 53-4mm kit will be replaced by the 58mm kit.
La Spaziale; some La San Marco; La Pavoni Lusso, Pisa, Si; *Francis! Francis! X1; *Saeco; *Starbuck's; *Solis; and the Dalla Corte line should all fit this smaller PF. As soon as Greg catches up on his 58mm production, I should have the larger (LM, Synesso, Astoria, Rancilio, etc) available.
I plan on adding a pressure guage to the kit at a later date, something a bit more discerning than the average guage on the average production machine.
Contact me via e-mail if you want to test temps on a 53 or 54mm machine before this goes away.
*(53mm is reported to be a somewhat of a tight fit.)