So I'm currently posted up in Raleigh, NC and looking to make a move up to the mountains to the lovely town of Asheville. I've heard mixed things from my fellow baristas in Raleigh about cafe prospects there, anyone live in/near that area who can give me any tips? Good cafes to look into, etc.? Anything and everything would be totally helpful.



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brady you're not allowed to post copyrighted pictures of me without my express written consent.

besides, i totally regret wearing those white capris and getting a perm. the 80's was a bad time for my personal fashion.
Jared Rutledge said:
brady you're not allowed to post copyrighted pictures of me without my express written consent.

besides, i totally regret wearing those white capris and getting a perm. the 80's was a bad time for my personal fashion.

I pity the fool...
ask around for a place to crash if you cant find afford a hotel. its worth it.

Alexis Kepford said:
Thanks guys! I'm definitely going to be looking for cafe work in Asheville come April, probably make a trip out there in the next month or so to schlepp my resume around to every decent-looking place I can find. I'm currently working to get my barista certification through counterculture, which will be finished at the beginning of april, and then after that i'm headin for the mountains. I wish I could make it to the one from my cafe is going and I couldn't spring for a hotel by myself. Eh.
I recently moved to Asheville myself (from carrboro no less), with a hardcore resume and tons of specialty coffee experience. Sadly I couldn't find a job to save my life for about a month. (no offense meant to waking life, they just didn't hire me either)
As far as consumption goes Waking Life, Izzy's West, and the Dripolator are where it is at. As far as jobs I would suggest those three and also, I am currently working on getting an experienced staff at Posana. It is a high end restaurant and bar, with (more and more) a major emphasis in coffee. The pay is above average and folks are definitely willing to listen to what you have to say and pay attention to what you have to offer. If you do apply, tell peter that I (Grant) sent you. I could use some experienced baristas on my side of things.

Hit me up anyway once you move to town. I need more barista buddies up here from the triangle. I myself used to pull shots at Caffe Driade and Open Eye Cafe.


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