Whats the best tip jar sign you have seen or written?

"remember tipping only hurts cows"
"family captured by ninjas, need money for karate lessons to save them"

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Shawn Steiman said:
Points well taken, Folks If I ever have a retail spot, I'll give it a go without tipping. I'll update you, then.

I do understand where you're coming from. Her in the SW, I work in theatre. We were assembling a 'set' for one of the high-end NYC jewelry vendors, and he handed the tow of us each a twenty. Not Kosher. Not in this biz, not here, not in my union. Of course, if you don't grease the wheels in the City with Local One, you don't get the consideration your gig deserves. His culture, but definitely not mine. I tried to return it, he tried not to accept, I tried to insist, explaining that I'd take good car of his stuff because that's what I do, he insisted that I keep it and walked away. I bought him a beer later, and took extra special care of his kit, because that's what I do.
I'd only lose respect from him if I were to take the tip and not take care of him. I made sure that he knew that the tip wasn't going to affect whether or not he got great service, but that he'd get it without the tip as well. My self-respect is remarkably intact.

But I get what you're saying.
There is a site that has some stickers with funny sayings that you can put on your tip jar. The stickers will stay cleaner than a piece of paper taped to the jar, and they look nice. This site also has buttons with the sayings. www.PhilTheTipJar.com
I know I'm late but just wanted to add my two cents:
Kind of cheesy, but the customers liked it: a photo of Jimi Hendrix with the caption, "'Scuze me, while I tip these guys". I mean if Jimi's doing it, who are you not to?

Whether or not you have a cute sign really depends on the kind of atmosphere you want. If you want your baristas to wear bowties and black aprons and talk like overly deferential english butlers, you better be paying them well. At our shop, the barista picks the music, we write whatever we want on the tip jar, and clever headlines on the sample New York Times, and our customers like it. They like being helped by someone who's having fun at their job, and they feel at ease enough to joke around with us (as long as you're delivering the goods, of course) It also depends what state you live in, in california, if you made 4.50 plus tips like a midwestern server, you'd um, starve to death.

How people tip is totally capricious and weird. Sometimes I get a dollar for handing someone a cup of coffee, and sometimes I get nothing for making someone a gourmet sandwich, then running over to the machine to make their triple shot half decaf breve with light foam, or whatever. So it doesn't always make sense, but some people really like the option of showing that they appreciate your work or your attitude or whatever it is they like to appreciate; makes it more personal. I think if you took away the tip jar, these people would be confused more than relieved.
We simply put a sign on the jar stating that we donate ALL tips to local non-profit organizations weekly and we do just that. We get customer input as to what local people/animals/etc need the most help, then we count all tips at the end of each week and simply send that person/place a check. Later!
Whoa buddy. That's pretty generous, but do your employees make enough to compensate for no tips? Here in the bay area, baristas typically make around 8-9/hr and around 20-30 in tips, which is still barely enough to live on. I don't think I'd be able to pay rent without those tips. I mean I like donating here and there for a good cause, but that seems pretty steep. Maybe other places offer a living wage though...

Shadow said:
We simply put a sign on the jar stating that we donate ALL tips to local non-profit organizations weekly and we do just that. We get customer input as to what local people/animals/etc need the most help, then we count all tips at the end of each week and simply send that person/place a check. Later!
Yes, and they're durn funny... !

Kevin Ayers said:
Wow, did anyone go and read all the comments on the page Mallory posted?

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