Hi - I have a linea, new model) and the boiler pressue is so high, it is causing the pressure relief valve to engage.  The pressure exceeds 1.5.  Can anyone help me in regards to lower the pressure.  Thanks. Don

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Hi Don,

Exceeds 1.5 by how far? Usually the safety valve won't trip till 2 I think.

The way to lower steam boiler pressure is to locate the pressure stat. On your new Linea (I think), it is the small black cylinder, about 1.5" diameter, located on the left side of the steam boiler, with a little red cap on it. That cap is covering the adjustment screw, which can raise or lower the pressure at which it shuts off/turns on. There should be a small +/- symbol with arrows telling you which way to turn the screw to adjust the pressure.


I usually work on old Lineas, and if it is like mine your pressure stat will be a black box located in the same spot, with similar +/- arrows on the adjustment screw.

For the record, ours usually top out at 1.5, and with the old p-stats, will fall to about 1.2ish before they re-engage. Works fine for us, although the new style p-stats work better with less sway. Wish we had a gb5....

Hope this helps.
Look in the manual here:

to see how to adjust the P-stat. Page three shows the parts layout, eleven shows the procedure.
If you're not able to tell if the p-stat is working properly, you should consider a qualified technician.
I run my boiler at just under 1 Bar, to just over 1.1, and you should expect just about a 0,2 Bar deadband.
Thank you Chris and Kevin. I found the p-stat and adjusted it. It's wonderful when a plan comes together. don

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