Hey all!
I have always wanted my own coffee shop. Since High School it's been one of my biggest dreams, and now i'm finally feeling that it needs to happen. I have about 40 grand right now....but i don't plan on opening until Late 2013-Early 2014. I will be going in on this with a partner. A very good friend of mine. We have been joking about the notion for a few years now, and one night i asked her if she wanted to go into business with me. She agreed. Her father used to run the coffee shop that inspired all of this, Coffee East, of Easton, MD. I spent almost every day after school there, and a good portion of my home life sitting at the same bar stool, talking with friends, doing trivia, seeing music, all that jazz. It became a second home. Since ownership has changed, what i used to love changed. Seeing this change made me realize how important it is to run a shop with the right enviorment, and how important client base can really be.
Now, outside of attending the American Barista School, or attending a coffee fest, where should i start with this planning? I have some questions for all of you who will kindly enough answer em for me!
1.) What kind of questions should i ask local shop owners?
2.) What coffee shops do you know of (anywhere in the country) that does things right? Why do you feel that way?
3.) What advice should this young entreprenuer know in the beginning stages of planning, and throughout the next 3 years?
4.) Where do you reccomend for me to travel to? What towns/regions do you feel need a good coffee house, or more competition.
5.) Art scenes? Music scenes? Both key elements, do you know of any up and coming hubs for these interests?
6.) Lastly, what do you look for in a good coffee shop?
Thank you very much for taking time to read all this. I am open to any suggestions, and any opinions. Anything that will let me see what the customers, employees, or any of the people of this "coffee culture" like or dislike.
-Dane du Hoffmann